What's your MAP values at idle with XFI?

You find something?

No, sorry. Just bumping the thread.

I had the car out yesterday. Off-idle it's not too bad. It spools painfully slow because it's so rich, but other than that it seems okay. I'm heading to CT for some professional help on Sunday.

No, sorry. Just bumping the thread.

I had the car out yesterday. Off-idle it's not too bad. It spools painfully slow because it's so rich, but other than that it seems okay. I'm heading to CT for some professional help on Sunday.


Who's in CT?
He might be out testing his new mods on his jetski. :eek:

Billy T.

I mean I'm going to see Otto in CT on Sunday.

I was under it today and both Cometic head gaskets are still leaking water. I need to take the engine out and redo the gaskets. Could that be my problem? Should I bother trying to 'tune' it with the head gaskets leaking?

No thats tomorrow,Ill be in your backyard testing it.

11 am good for you Jimmy?

Works for me if you think it's worth the effort with the head gaskets leaking water. It's not leaking air/compression - but the water leak needs fixed.

Jimmy,did you add any GM seal tabs or bars leak?
This will usaully take care of water if its leaking rom the studs and or bolts.
If you don't feel safe we can make it another day.
Jimmy,did you add any GM seal tabs or bars leak?
This will usaully take care of water if its leaking rom the studs and or bolts.
If you don't feel safe we can make it another day.

I added a bunch of GM tabs - the Cometics were put on dry (not by me). It's safe - it's not like water is pouring out of it and I've run it pretty hard without any trouble. I definitely need to fix it, but I doubt it has anything to do with the way the car runs.

11AM is cool - please PM me your address.


you tried retorquing the heads?

Yeah, didn't do any good. The engine guy put them Cometics in dry (per their instructions). I need to take them out, coat them with copper and put them back on. I had nothing to do this winter anyway :rolleyes:

For those sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the outcome of this saga: there is none at this point.

This morning my brother met me at my house at 8:45 AM sharp. I grabbed the Garmin GPS, EZ-Pass, shades and fired up the Buick for my trek to Connecticut.

I figured I had enough fuel to get there since I had only driven 60 miles since my last fill (fuel gauge no worky), but I figured I'd top it off. I stopped at the gas station at the bottom o' the hill and went in to check out their selection of breakfast goods. After milling around for a few minutes I went back to the car and was surprised to find that the pump was still running. The car took 15.5 gallons of fuel, of which at least 2 gallons of it was pouring out onto the ground.

I paid the guy and waited until it was done dripping. Thankfully the HazMat team didn't get involved and rather than get on Rt. 80 East toward Connecticut, I went back up the hill to my house. If I had a match I'd have thrown it under the car.

When I got home I pumped the fuel out 5 gallons at a time and distributed it among all of the internal combustion engines in my possesion. I dropped the tank from the Buick and found several pebbles jammed between the o-ring and the tank where my new (to me) double pumper hanger was installed.

After the repair, I dumped the most recent 5 gallons that I pumped out of the Buick back into it. I think it's sealed, but until I fill it again I won't know. I used some of that fuel to bring the Buick and my RC plane to a local lake for some relaxing flying. I promptly crashed the plane into said lake. I got wet retrieving it and spent the rest of this glorious Sunday afternoon polluting my body with Budweiser.

I did lay the longest, fattest, blackest patch of rubber I've ever seen (pre-Budweiser, of course) on the pavement by my house. It was smokey, it was smelly and it was the best reminder of why I put up with all this crap. Hours later I'd still get a whiff of burned rubber and I'd just chuckle to myself.

I'm starting to wonder if there isn't something wrong with my FAST unit. It checked out okay when they replaced the IAC drivers, but it's acting so strange. Today it decided it would idle halfway decent, A/F is back up in the high-11s. But, now it won't stay running when I drop it into gear and it has a nasty hesitation. I've changed nothing. Oh yeah - the best part is that I was watching the fuel gauge jump 10 lbs. then drop, jump, then drop. Turns out the Aux #2 output is grounded all the time and running my 2nd fuel pump. This is a new behavior - it was working fine before, just like it was running fine when I first installed the system.

I checked the Aux #2 settings and they're set at 50% TPS and 170 for the MAF. Checking the dashboard, the TPS and MAF values are correct (i.e., not above 50 or 170) but Aux #2 is still grounded. Any ideas? (yes, the wire is hooked up to B2)

And now I swear I hear a deep knock starting - like when my thrust bearing went bad after my first rebuild.

Good thing it's almost winter. Got some time to sort things out.

That does not sound too good, you have some serious issues going on, check all your wiring again.......loose connections can do crazy things.