Waking up to this


Jun 6, 2003
Is so nice to wake up and peek out your window to this:


Washed her yesterday. I would like to keep her in the garage but that belongs to that stupid vette my dad has.


You can see my pissed off wagon that i have only driven 3 times.


Lasty the severely neglected, pissed off and dirty impalaSS just taking up space on the drive way. She got some fat tires on her though :biggrin:
Can you believe i bought it from the original owner just like this. A man over 65 yrs old. The only thing i added was methanol injection. Sold the gn1 heads it came with, and put in a bangin sound system. Will post pics of the setup later on today.

I have a production 4.1 going pretty soon. Im just maintaining a great car i was sold. I would only sell it back to the original owner though. :eek:

SIKE, neverrrrrrrrr
The huge box


Misc parts for the 4.1. Tool kit from Harbor Freight (they rock hard)


More parts for the 4.1


Where the noise comes from

I need to vacuum the car and clean out the trunk. This car is my daily driver and cross country tracker. Most guys cant say this, but i have driven this car from california to florida twice within the past 5 months.

I have carried some unmentionable parts in my car cross country (maybe psiedv6 can chime in.....cough cough complete stage 1 motor). It has never let me down. This is probably why i neglect the other cars.

I love my buick and i would have to kill anyone if they touched it.
I love my buick and i would have to kill anyone if they touched it.[/QUOTE]

Amen brother!
What?! Leave outside?! You do that in Atlanta and Metro Atl area, you look out the window to an empty street. These cars are VERY popular for thieves in my area.....We had a 87 T stolen outta our garage w/ the door down...I hope you never lose her, she's real "purty" as some 'necks here say.
GregInAtl said:
What?! Leave outside?! You do that in Atlanta and Metro Atl area, you look out the window to an empty street. These cars are VERY popular for thieves in my area.....We had a 87 T stolen outta our garage w/ the door down...I hope you never lose her, she's real "purty" as some 'necks here say.

I've heard of stories like that before. My parents are in the process of moving to atlanta now. Lucky for me i wont be moving with them.
jamericaniSS said:
I've heard of stories like that before. My parents are in the process of moving to atlanta now. Lucky for me i wont be moving with them.

Man, you live in MORENO VALLEY. Get that thing in a garage before it ends up in Fontucky, or Hemet, or on its way down the 15 to TJ!

Or....leave it outside......where did you say you live? Exactly? :D :D :D

Beautiful car! Congrats!
Very Nice

Im out that way sometimes with My El Co, Just getting some things changed on the Engine and other little things. I was just in Mo Val last weekend filling up. Sure wished I saw you driving it. Reallllllll Purty
Mannnnnnnnnn i guess i will have to talk to pops today.....Maybe i can race him for some garage space. :biggrin:
wow! Really nice car! That system must bumb it's a$$ off! :D I wish I could park my GN on the street like that.. If I do that one time it won't be there in the morning that's for sure! :eek:
I had a $60,000+ show civic (Eclipse Audio demo car) I'd leave w/ keys in the ign and windows down all the time when I took it out, and a stock Buick locked down in a garage got taken. Ironicly, dude that bought my old civic , was scared it get stolen, locked it up and watched it like a hawk... it eventually got stolen from him.