trans crosmember


New Member
Oct 16, 2011
hey guys this is my first gn having problems witth crossmember not lining up what am i doing wrong
Were you the one who removed it? Is the exhaust hanger removed or still in place? Are you installing a new mount?
Were you the one who removed it? Is the exhaust hanger removed or still in place? Are you installing a new mount?
no i bought the car with the motor and trans out of the car,the exhaust hanger is there but it is bent ,no i am using the mount that was on the trans. i guess the real problem i am having is when i get it bolted to trans i can not get it bolted to the frame
How far off are we talking about here? I use what my dad referred to as a "bull prick" to line up one of the holes and get a nut and bolt in the other one , then do the same on the other side. The tool is a big punch to put through the frame and crossmember hole and pry it into possition. Loosen the mount up so it has some play. Once you have all the fasteners started, then you can snug them down.
Put the crossmember in first. Then gently pry the trans to line up. If it takes a lot of prying, you may have a bent frame

Put the crossmember in first. Then gently pry the trans to line up. If it takes a lot of prying, you may have a bent frame

jack up the trans
remove the trans mount
put the crossmember in(it goes above the mounts on the frame.)
angle the trans mount in and start the bolts into the trans
Then line up the singe trans mount bolt to the crossmember.

Mine goes in and out pretty simple, but I've done it quite a few times since last fall.
I think the frame is bent in i can get one side bolted up but the other side is hitting the inside frame
DChism said:
I think the frame is bent in i can get one side bolted up but the other side is hitting the inside frame

Have you tried to flip it the other way as douglee suggested? How about some pix? Worth a thousand words.
I guess another thing considering the engine/trans were out when you got it, are you sure it's the right trans crossmember?