To Beard or not to Beard

Facial Hair

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Jan 31, 2011
So is facial hair in or out? Been thinking of growing a beard for some time now. What do you guys think beard or no beard.. Anyone got a good beard going?
i've had one since i was in 3rd grade

funny this is brought up because in a couple weeks i'm doing a benefit for my friend with cancer that if we raise over $800 i'll dry shave it off on the spot. should be interesting.:eek: i have no idea what i even look like without one.
I just started one.....its mostly grey. Im friigin 40 man!

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exaggeration, but i am one hairy ************. i tell the girls it's from a massive amount of testosterone ;)

only trim, never shaved it even for a goatee.
My upper lip has been fuzzy since I was a teen and I've grown a beard several times. The last time I had one, and older gent was talking about the "good old days" when he remembered driving around in 55 chevys and the new (first gen) camaro came out. He looked at me and asked if I remembered it as well.:rolleyes: Shaved it off that night and never grew it back and don't intend to.:D If my upper lip gets shaved I'll train a caterpillar to stay on my lip so it won't look neked.;)
My upper lip has been fuzzy since I was a teen and I've grown a beard several times. The last time I had one, and older gent was talking about the "good old days" when he remembered driving around in 55 chevys and the new (first gen) camaro came out. He looked at me and asked if I remembered it as well.:rolleyes: Shaved it off that night and never grew it back and don't intend to.:D If my upper lip gets shaved I'll train a caterpillar to stay on my lip so it won't look neked.;)

i'm 28 and people talk to me as if i remember the street racing scene in the 80's:(
i'm 28 and people talk to me as if i remember the street racing scene in the 80's:(

It's like going bald at a young age Gerry. One of my friends from high school had the top of his head bald by the time he was 25 and everyone thought David was at least 10 years older than we were. If they raise enough money for you to shave use baby oil on it for a couple of days before you do it and use a razor with a lube strip on it. It will make it less irritating. It's one of those things you get to do when you're in the field on maneuvers.;)
i cant grow a beard for crap. its all dark peach fuzz. i can not shave for 3 wks and women have more hair on their upper lip o_O lol
Goatee here, for the last 15 years. Its getting grey, but what the hell.
I've had a full beard since I was 18. I only shaved it off twice. Once for sister's wedding when I 19 and once 3 years ago for my Mom. She had asked me for over 30 years to shave it off. She was dying so I figured I'd do it for her. I showed up sans beard and she didn't even notice. I had to tell her.:( Grew it back in a week. I always keep my beard trimmed neat and close but l let it grow alittle longer in the winter.
i cant grow a beard for crap. its all dark peach fuzz. i can not shave for 3 wks and women have more hair on their upper lip o_O lol

im the same way... and if you do try to get it to grow (the ol'onion trick) its splotchy and looks like random pubes on your face!
you never heard that when you were a kid? rub your face or chest with a cut onion to make the hair grow!

I think its more of a wives tale then anything...
My girl hates my facial hair she says it looks like i glued pubic hair on my face, ahh w,e who the F cares what she thinks, im going to let it grow :cool: