The Winner of the 2007 Toys 4 Tots Charity Drive Is!

I'm feeling a bit empty, here. Only $12k with 3000+ entries?

Apparently some folks kinda missed the spirit of this thing. It is a fund raiser for the less fortunate. This was an opportunity to give with a long shot of being rewarded for your generosity, not to reap benefits for nothing. I KNOW many folks donated more than $5 per, which means many more skimmed. At least 700 times. Friggin' takers. Took a good thing and F'ed it up.

I would be AMAZED if this was to be done again, but if by some weird circumstance it does, I'll pledge right now to double my donation. IMO, next time, make it a raffle. I would be happy to help with the administration of that.

Mods and Brian and everyone who donated $ or parts or time, I say good job. It was an honorable thing you did.

To everyone who didn't...

Sorry for the dark cloud, but this kinda stuff really gets to me.

I think we could do better, too, and I think we WILL next year. Get the word out earlier next year, and some word of mouth about this year's success, I'll be shocked if we don't double the take next time. For those who posted but didn't donate, let your conscience be your guide. I hope you feel like pond scum. How can you not want to be part of a project lke this?!?!?!?! Just think about the unfortunate kids that wil receive a gift this year because YOU donated to a good cause. I know I am going to increase my donation next year , too. For the most part, I am proud of this community. We can do better, myself included, but great job to all that participated! Especially you, Brian, you should be feelin really good right now, man.
I'm feeling a bit empty, here. Only $12k with 3000+ entries?

Apparently some folks kinda missed the spirit of this thing. It is a fund raiser for the less fortunate. This was an opportunity to give with a long shot of being rewarded for your generosity, not to reap benefits for nothing. I KNOW many folks donated more than $5 per, which means many more skimmed. At least 700 times. Friggin' takers. Took a good thing and F'ed it up.

I would be AMAZED if this was to be done again, but if by some weird circumstance it does, I'll pledge right now to double my donation. IMO, next time, make it a raffle. I would be happy to help with the administration of that.

Mods and Brian and everyone who donated $ or parts or time, I say good job. It was an honorable thing you did.

To everyone who didn't...

Sorry for the dark cloud, but this kinda stuff really gets to me.

I would like for everyone to know EXACTLY how this came about. Back in Sept. I told Brian no other vendors had mentioned doing another giveaway. He said let me think on it a couple of days.... I was trying to keep our giveaway's going. We have basically had a giveaway EVERY MONTH THIS YEAR! Mark H, Mike L., and a few others donated some great giveaway products. All of them did it to give back to the community. No special treatment from admin no cut on rates etc..... Just giving back!

Anyway a couple of days later Brian comes to see me and says "I got it."
I looked at him like :confused: He said "A CAR" For a minute I thought he was crazy or joking:eek: He said he was dead serious. "I want to give back to the guys, we had a tough year with the move and I want to do something outrageous to say THANKS!" So we decided to iron out some details before posting it and we were talking in the shop one day and a guy said "why don't you charge people $xx amount of dollars to register?" It was hilarious me and Brian at the same time busted out laughing and said NO WAY not going there, it is to give back to the guys (the TR community) not for the money that is a totally different thing.

Well it hit me right then, I said lets "ASK" for donations and donate ALL THE MONEY to Toys 4 Tots! Around this time of year that is the best charity IMO, you know the money goes to where it supposed too! I said I will ask all the other vendors to donate parts and maybe everyone will come together and we can donate a big sum to Toys 4 Tots!

The reason for asking for donations from registers was 2 fold. First, it was to give back to the TR community and requiring a donation would kinda of defeat the small purpose. The big purpose was of course for the Kids! The second reason was Legal issues. If you require money for an entry it is considered a "raffle" then each state has different rules and regulations. We didn't want any legal issues so this was the best way to do it. I figured everyone would donate that posted but.... Again I wanted it to be a giveaway, so donating was an option! I rest easy at night, I donated lots to this and I couldn't even enter:biggrin:

Far as doing it again, I think we probably will. It will be easier the 2nd time around and plus we will start it earlier. Hopefully we can get even more vendors involved and members too, as members donated a lot of parts too!

It is all for the Kids and showing what a Community such as ours can do when we come together. I can't wait to send that certified check to the Toys 4 Tots foundation. I will be proud to say I am part of the TurboBuick community when they get it!

Merry Christams everyone and thanks again to all, I just can't say it enough!
Now lets see how big Glen is here. I challenge you to get this all written up and in some car mags. Keep the car and enjoy it for 1 year. on the anniversary raffel the car or sell it on forum in a auction style listing. You could keep ..... lets say the amount you paid in insurance for it , taxes, and money invested on repairs, so maybe 500 insurance, 500 taxes, 1,000 in repairs. whatever it sells for 5,000 - 10,000 - 20,000 whatever. you take your money out and give the rest back for the kids next year. Hey you get a free car for a year that way...... just a challenge:D
Awesome cause guys, it great that you raised 12k BUT I for one know I donated EACH AND EVERYTIME I entered, Im also know then winner donated each and everytime cuz he's a friend. next year I think the winning post should be picked and if that person did not donate on that day they dont get the car, this is for CHARITY guys. 5 bux isnt much to pay everytime you enter. this way its still asking for donations, to avoid legal issues. CMON guys it for kids, Buck up here.
Just hope Brian got to sleep in this morning. :D

Kasci left me a cup of co that was cold by 9:00 when I woke up. Got to work a half an hour late but I think he will forgive me.:cool:

I spoke with Glen last night on beer #3 so I told him we would talk this morning.
I'm treating this car no different then a car I would sell to a customer. I explained to Glenn the actual amount of time I had the car in my possesion.
I have a few customers cars that were neglected during this time that I need to get done before Xmas. Glen is very understanding.

We also went over some personal touches that we did not add yet due to who would win & what they would want.
Glenn wants the wheel well moldings installed. We will blast & powder coat them & install.
Fuel pressure rail he would like a extended gauge. I'm glad I waited I almost put on a Black hood mounted fuel rail to give it a dated late 90's look with the pro stars.:eek: :D

I'll sit down & list alot of things we did to the car that were not mentioned for insurance & value reasons for Glen.
Awesome cause guys, it great that you raised 12k BUT I for one know I donated EACH AND EVERYTIME I entered, Im also know then winner donated each and everytime cuz he's a friend. next year I think the winning post should be picked and if that person did not donate on that day they dont get the car, this is for CHARITY guys. 5 bux isnt much to pay everytime you enter. this way its still asking for donations, to avoid legal issues. CMON guys it for kids, Buck up here.

I would like to keep this thread on a positive note for Glen & people viewing this thread.
Shane said it best we asked for $ not required. People are people the world around. I would like the world to see Buick guys as the best.

The part that really makes me happy is that a Buick guy won & has no intention of selling.
Glen plans on taking it to the track & running her to the limits. That is what Buick guys do & that is what this car was built for. Glen was ready to drive here last night. Can't say I blame him.
We plan on scheduling a date & trying to get a blub in Hi-tech if possible.

Jay Carter will be tuning it & burning the chip. No pressure Jay but I think I hi 10 will not be a problem with Glen Driving :cool:
Shane, perhaps I'm just turning into a bitter old man after being taken advantage of myself. I just expect folks to do the right thing, yet it seems more and more I see the opposite, folks taking advantage whenever possible, so now I am much more cautious. Thankfully the honorable ones still outnumber the others.

I also figured everyone that posted would donate, with those in better financial positions going beyond the requested $5 per. There are lots of folks hurting financially who can't, and I understand and appreciate that, but it seems if they can afford the tax, registration, and insurance should they win, they dang it they should be able to afford the $5/per. As one saying goes, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should".

My daughter was volunteering at a gift bank last week, and was asked by a recipient if she could have a couple extra things, which my daughter slipped into her bag. Afterwards, talking with her friends, turns out this lady hit up all of her friends as well. Later, the bank "sold out" and had to turn folks away empty handed. Just ain't right. Kinda turned my daughter off on this, too, which is too bad. This is the third time where something like this has happened when volunteering, and really, she is getting tired of it... and she is only 15!

See, I told you I'm becoming a a bitter old man. :)

As I posted, I'll double my donation next year.

GOD bless you for what you folks have done with this.[/SIZE]

gn4u2c, the thing I don't like about that is, the Government becomes the biggest winner with all the taxing and registration fees accumulated after a few transfers. Gary, drive the heck out of that thing and enjoy!!!!!!!

Brian, I hear ya, and will try to let go. Heck, y'all seem good with it so I should be too. :) I would like to know what is missing to actually hit the $12k, though.

Brian, I hear ya, and will try to let go. Heck, y'all seem good with it so I should be too. :) I would like to know what is missing to actually hit the $12k, though.


Doesn't matter what is misssing give what you can.
I had a few e-mails & Pm's as did Shane. There are check still heading here & pay pal payments that haven't cleared.
I think $12k will not be a problem.

I personally would love to have Shane send in a check for $13k plus.
Dean Merry Christmas & even when your getting up you know there is always next year,Merry Christmas.
Great News!

Mike and Marainne from Full Throttle just Donated $300 to diffently push over $12,000!
Thanks to both of you and I wish your family a Merry Christams!

We should have the final Total by tomorrow hopefully! We have busted the $12,000 mark it just keeps getting better!!!!!!!
I too am glad a true TR lover won the car! I hope you get full enjoyment out of it!

Maybe GM HighTech will pay you a visit:biggrin:
Next year (or whenever it happens again) will surely be more successful, we only had a few months to spread the word this time. This car should end up getting a fair amount of publicity, and the next time we have a charity giveaway, I'd expect a lot more people to know about it. I know it's a long shot but I almost wish this car could get a spot on one of SpikeTV's "powerblock" shows since it was for a good cause.

We shouldn't turn this into "who did/didn't donate how much", that's not what it's about. If you did your part you have nothing to worry about, if other people took a free-ride that's their problem.

As far as not being able to charge an entry fee because it would become a "raffle", is there any way to still take "donations", but the amount of your donation affects how many entries you get into the contest? I.E. enter for free, your name is entered once, donate $5 your name is entered twice, donate $10 your name is entered 3 times, etc etc. Maybe that way the winner of the contest would more likely be someone who donated BUT it would still not be "required" to enter the contest. Or would that still be considered a "raffle" and make it subject to state laws/fees??? Not to mention if we did it that way, we could avoid a big messy thread of people having to enter once a week, just enter once with as much money you're going to donate and that's it.
I will try to check into the legal issues on this. Problem each state varies so much. Ever notice those commercials where at the bottom it says "not valid in XX, XX, XX, XX, etc...

Hard to believe it can be hard to give away money to a charity LOL:biggrin:

Like you said though we will have more experience next time!
I will try to check into the legal issues on this. Problem each state varies so much. Ever notice those commercials where at the bottom it says "not valid in XX, XX, XX, XX, etc...

Yeah I'm sure there's plenty of red tape to work though. Maybe this website has some info...

Step by Step Fundraising
» United States Raffle Laws

But I would guess as long as you don't "require" an entry fee, it's still technically a give-away. Any donations would just increase your chance of winning.
Thanks for all the congrats...really appreciated. Like Brian said, we talked for quite a while this morning ironing out some details about the car and when I could pick it up. He wants to make sure everything is perfect before I take delivery...thats says a lot to me about what kind of guy he is. Thanks to everyone that donated time and parts to this TFT car. Anyone that has a question about me keeping assured, it will be in my possesion for a loooooooooong time. :eek: :biggrin:

...and if it makes some feel better...I donated EVERY time I registered.;)