SuperBowl Halftime show complaint info...

Originally posted by GRAYGHOST

V6, yea, it was just a breast, but it was the manner in which the breast was exposed. Here again, not to offend, but you sound like an idiot too for trying to compare this incident to art in a museum????????? And if Americans act like this was no big deal, imagen what they try to throw at us the next time for shock value.

Not to offend... but nobody seems more like an idiot than the idiot that thinks anyone that has an opinion different than his is an idiot. I can show you plenty of works of art that are 1000 times more provactive than a 1/2 sec blurry nothing.

this piece for example

and that one is pretty mild.

I agree with 2quick, I would much rather have a blurry 1/2 sec then have to explain erectile disfuntion which leads to why does it need to be erect or why Vagisil now has a better odor blocker.

Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
As do you, you sound like a freakin' smart a$$ now.....I remember telling you I had something you could blow for smarting off to me before.....seems like you just like to stir up stuff. I hope we can meet one day:)

By the way, I did not say you were an idiot, I said you sound like an idiot to me. If you have to get that offensive about it, might be merit to what I said then.

Hey NJ! I hear ya! I was wondering if I was making the last stand here by myself.

Not at all, I am with you. Most people stay away from these threads because of this very reason. I say it is the small voice of people like you and I that move mountains. You really want a kicker, how about Mel Gibson's new movie Passion and that he is getting death threats. Again no faith, no morals, no nothing. Maybe the majority of the population would be happy if everyone was naked screwing the same sex on the street, drinking in public, raping, stealing, ETC. Please it makes me sick. Better hope Bush gets in again or we are all in trouble.

The real threat for America is not terrorism, it is the new world Democrat's:rolleyes:
Originally posted by V6 Beast
Not to offend... but nobody seems more like an idiot than the idiot that thinks anyone that has an opinion different than his is an idiot. I can show you plenty of works of art that are 1000 times more provactive than a 1/2 sec blurry nothing.

this piece for example

and that one is pretty mild.

I agree with 2quick, I would much rather have a blurry 1/2 sec then have to explain erectile disfuntion which leads to why does it need to be erect or why Vagisil now has a better odor blocker.


I'm not saying I think anybody is an idiot for having a different opinion than me, it is how you relay that opinion. Comparing the Janet "freak" show, to art in a museum. Come on, you walk into a museum yourself, you choose to see, I did not choose to see Janets tit, and again it is not so much seeing it, as in the manner in which it all lead up to it. It would have been a whole different aspect had her clothing got caught on something and tore off. It was ripped off, while lyrics were being sung about "before the night was over I'm gonna have you naked". Not to mention all the other "so called" dancers in there s&m outfits. If you saw the halftime "so called" show, a work of art, then that's your perogative. I saw it as a blatant attempt, successful I might add, to project filthy, perverted, discusting acts to me and my family in my home.

And I don't see the erectile dysfunction commercials having limp willies popping out either.....there is a thing in life called tact.
NJ, I feel the same. I heard the movie Passion is absolutley rivoting. Perfectly done, which is cause for the uproar, the Jewish community fears backlash........hhmmm, lets see, who crucified Jesus? His own. That's the way it was, it was that way for a reason, and I think the movie should be historically correct. Hopefully this movie will end up having a positive effect on people to wake up to this corrupt world we live in.
Hey V6, not to change the subject, but, I see your combo is just about identical to mine, except F.A.S.T., that I just ordered. I'd like to find out more about the program you're running with the 72's. My only experience is direct scan with a T+, extender chip set up, so I am trying to learn more about the F.A.S.T.
GRAY GHOST I admire you for trying to protect your daughter from stuff like this and the fact that you explained it to her is great more parents should take the time to explain things to their children. I am raising a daughter of my own (3yrs old) and I plan on being very active in her life and try to teach her what I think is right from wrong. But what got me to reply to this post is the fact that your complaining about a breast being shown on primetime TV on a half time show that you were letting your daughter watch that everyone new was going to contain 1) A female singer(Janet jackson) that has always pushed the envelope in her career, she has made a lot of sexually provocative videos and lyrics,etc.2) A rapper(PDiddy) who was involved in a rapper vs. rapper street war where his best friend (Biggy,Tupac) was gunned down in the middle of the street. 3) A rapper (Nelly) who sings songs that say "it's hot in here take off all your clothes"4) Kid Rock and who knows what kinda stuff that dudes up to:eek: . And I'm assuming ( and I know what assuming can do) that she was watching the game, which to some people would be considered violent and is known to have players using illegal drugs (steroids,cocaine,amphetamines,etc). So my question is if you know this why was she watching in the first place?
And if you didn't know this and you are worried about what your daughter sees, then you should have found out before you let her view it. Or explained to her that she may hear and see things you don't think are right.
I am curious, does everyone explain erectile disfunction to there 7 year old kids after they see the commercial and ask "what's that?".

More often than not these days television needs to be screened prior to letting little ones view. The extent of this screening is the question, and how sheltered of a child you want to be raising. Times do change and with that we must also change to ensure a succesfull upbringing.

As far as explaining the "Flash" I think if I was questioned I would have said that it must be genetics. No doubt by now they had seen and heard all about MJ and I would have already explained that. The only problem is I would be stuck for the second half of the SuperBowl giving a Biology class:rolleyes:
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
I'm not saying I think anybody is an idiot for having a different opinion than me, it is how you relay that opinion. Comparing the Janet "freak" show, to art in a museum.

Was it appropriate for national TV? In the US, probably not.

My point in bringing up a museum, is just because you don't think it is art, doesn't mean other people don't view it as art. I have seen plenty of stuff in museums that I don't consider art. In fact some of them I consider obscene for one reason or another. Not just because there is some nudity in them. Many of them violate my moral beliefs as well. But I still reconize people's right to consider it art if they want.

I am sure there are people(I don't) that think Janet's performance was art as well. Opinions are like butts, everyone has one.

I think people are looking at a pictures of her breast that are all over the internet now and reacting to the pictures, not what they really saw live on TV. Like I said, I was paying attention, looking right at it on a big screen TV and couldn't tell for sure what I saw. Maybe your seven year old can see things way better than I can. Hell I saw more on an episode of Drew Carey where 5 men stripped down to nothing and a little microphone was used to cover they important part.

It just seems like the bigger deal you make out of a stupid, childish and basically insignificant event, the more validity you give to it.

After 9-11, everyone talked about how important it was to continue our way of life or else the terrorists won for their horrible act.( I won't even bring up the horrible footage from that event that was shown over and over and over at all times of the day. I would think seeing people jumping to their deaths from a 100 story building would be way more tramatic to a child than Janet's boob but that is just me.) I think this is a little of the same, the bigger deal we make about it, and the more effective Janet's stunt becomes.

For example: ER edited the show they were going to air tonight, because it was going to show an 80 year old woman's breast during an exam. Now if there wasn't 50 people whinning "oh my god I saw Janet's breast and will be tramatized for life" they wouldn't have had to do that.
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
Hey V6, not to change the subject, but, I see your combo is just about identical to mine, except F.A.S.T., that I just ordered. I'd like to find out more about the program you're running with the 72's. My only experience is direct scan with a T+, extender chip set up, so I am trying to learn more about the F.A.S.T.

Are you sure I am not too much of an idiot to give you any useful info?:D

Who did you get FAST from? The program I am using is one I have fine-tuned to my car. Cotton gave me a base program to start with and I spent 2 days at track tuning it in. I am going to be at Farmington dragway Sat for some testing, if you want to come I wil be happy to show you FAST basics.

V6, I understand completely what you are saying, and agree with. If you make a big deal over something, it makes the act more successful...well, I also think that certain actions require a big deal to be made over it, insuring it does not happen again.

Yep, there is a lot of art I see that is offensive too, but it's not flashed at me on local T.V. I think that is part of the outrage, if this was pay-per-view, or HBO, it would not have had the same backlash. Local CBS channels are responsible for what is aired on their stations, and are suppose to be "rated". This was without a doubt, inappropriate for the time, and event for which it was done in.

This whole thing was a stunt pulled to generate ratings and a buzz, it did, now the responsible individuals should have to suffer the consequences for it.

And yes, I was letting my girl watch T.V., the superbowl, a sporting event, during primetime hours. I did not think I was going to be seeing what I did, hence my outrage.....I don't let my children watch MTV, or Nick at night for that matter, because of the content.
Originally posted by V6 Beast
Are you sure I am not too much of an idiot to give you any useful info?:D

Who did you get FAST from? The program I am using is one I have fine-tuned to my car. Cotton gave me a base program to start with and I spent 2 days at track tuning it in. I am going to be at Farmington dragway Sat for some testing, if you want to come I wil be happy to show you FAST basics.


Based on your times you are running, no, I don't think your too much of an idiot to give useful info...on tuning, ratings on T.V. might be a different story....

I'll be out there too if the weather permits. I've got a buddies car I've been working on that I'll be out there with tuning. Look for me in a red Chevy custom dually, and a bright red 24' hauler. I'll be wroking with a GN that has "MY VICE" on the plates. And should be running some low 7's......

Do you know anybody there, Mike B., Rodney, Turk, and Kevin and Buck the owners? How about Clint? Where you there the Saturday event for Buicks a couple months ago?
You and others that are passionate about this should go after the person who commited the act, JJ.

Get a petition or whatever going to ban or protest the buying and radio playing of her new album comming out, this is why she did it in the first place! a plublicity stunt to sell more albums! If her sales drop significantly because of the ban this could send a message to others that these kind of stunts will backfire and hurt them where it hurts the most, in the pocket!
How much do you think a complaint to the FCC will affect the next idiot star to expose themselves or some other stunt?

She does have a nice set thou;) WOW
fellow buick owners, im one of the older people who the commericals are for,,, i didnt see anything because my wife was watching bull riding in another room and i went to talk to her when the commericals come on, breast, back in the old days mothers breast feeding babies in public was common, myself and my nine siblings were breast fed, in the old testament ,bible adam and eve are naked, some commericals are stupid in my opnion, i dont watch shows that actors say fu,,, or cuss when my grandchildren are visiting me, oh yea im 63 years old , and hoping to put the old buford in the eights this year, :cool:
i can only speak from what i was taught and how i was brought up, but if someone has a 7 year old daughter and the birds and the bees havn't been brought up yet, in the work as it is now i think it might have been time, cause in a short time she is going to be esposed to alot of what jannet exposed in school, i like that statement that we take it as more offense than the kids do, the kids laugh and giggle for a sec and its over, by us making it a big deal its being shown to them that it is a big deal, something that was a non-issue now is, and they take notice to it, its ok to see my friends blown up helicopter in iraq, guys i have trained and eaten dinner with layed out on cnn, but we are going to petition the fcc about a 2 second ordeal, sorry people but i am too busy living my life to care about what someone does with theirs, i will not spend my time trying to punish someone for something that takes 2 seconds of explination, but my mother was a nurse, we were told early on the facts of life, and was sneaking dirty mags when i was old enough to pick one up, if you think that anyone older than 5 hasn't seen a naked girl, think back a few years to where you were at their age, ever play doctor, you think that thats not your kid, cause you know them, it reminds me of them commercials that ask you all thestuff form top gun that you know, then ask you who sits behind your kid, thats how i see it
Grant Farmer
Ugh. Much do about nothing. It was a stupid publicity stunt. In the past week it has been shown on every network and cable show a thousand times, in slow motion and at various angles over and over again. The actual 2 second shot was barely distigushable what was showing. The media has made this a bigger deal than nessasary. The show should have been on delay anyway. GET OVER IT.

Oh the NFL is all upset. BIG F'n DEAL. Happen to see all those close-ups of the cheerleaders? I saw almost as much cleavage and smooth, silky, creamy, yummy, heaving, bouncing, quivering, sweaty breasts in those lingering shots than the 2 second blurry thing, not to mention those long smooth, creamy, yummy, spread legs. Tell me the NFL doesn't use sex to sell.

The absolute horniest commercials are for TAMPONS and SANITARY NAPKINS. I saw one where the girl was fondling the head of the smooth tip applicator and seemed very pleased with it. Another one had them flying all around like rockets. How about the girl that uses toliet paper to retrive her femine hygine product that fell out a window or have them wearing very tight shorts but no cameltoes. Have fun explaining that to your 7 yearold.

My wife and I were very upfront with our kids about body fuctions and sex. No big secrets or shame. We also stressed abstance and the dangers of STDs and unwanted pregnacy. With so much in your face now it's better in my opinion to educate. There's no way to turn back the clocks to 50s.
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST

Do you know anybody there, Mike B., Rodney, Turk, and Kevin and Buck the owners? How about Clint? Where you there the Saturday event for Buicks a couple months ago?

I am sure I know some of those guys if I see them. I know Clint and one of the owners(Although I forget his name). Some of the Winston/G-boro crowd boys like Trampis.

I didn't come last time becuase I had my engine out checking the bearings and such over the winter. This will 1st time out since dropping it back in. I should be easy to spot. Black escalade tow vehicle, tag on GN reads V6 Beast.

Sully, I sent you an e-mail instead of the board now about Sat. Just got off the phone with Clint too, said he talked to you.
dennis miller said it best "Land of the Free, Home of the Offended"
seems like in these days everyone is offended, mad, outraged and wanting to sue for their "emotion distress" wonder why stuff costs so much these days, cause everyone that does anything risky or to suit the majority has to make enough money to pay off the minority that is offended.
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
As do you, you sound like a freakin' smart a$$ now.....I remember telling you I had something you could blow for smarting off to me before.....seems like you just like to stir up stuff. I hope we can meet one day:)

You're a very scary fella....with gay tendencies....and the Janet thing offends you but you'll tell another guy to blow you. Wow you are strange.
There are two ways you can handle this situation:

1. Blame everybody involved, file complaints, lawsuits, etc.

2. Use this as an opportunity to educate your child about proper behavior, respect and morality and why acts such as this are not appropriate. It is the perfect example for them to learn from.

There's another, simpler way as well:


'87 GN low low 11s on the old dog-tired OEM motor