SuperBowl Halftime show complaint info...



For those of you who are concerned enough to take it to the next level, here's some information I found that makes it easy to file a formal complaint to the FCC. So far they have had over 30,000 come in, and I bet that number will grow.

I'd love to see these giant companies, (Viacom, MTV, CBS) get their a$$e$ handed to them:mad: , but I'm sure they'll just pay a fine, get a pop on the hand, and go right back to they're agenda of the corruption of our nations children.:mad: :mad:
Oh well who cares, what about all of the commercials for erectile disfunction during the bowl....Commercials geared towards the old folks crowd and then a halftime show geared towards an MTV age audience...what did they expect.
Originally posted by 2QUIK6
Oh well who cares,

For those of you who are concerned enough.........if you aren't concerned, then DO NOT reply!!!!!! Stick a sock in it, I had a 7 year old daughter sitting beside me that I had to explain what she just saw.

I'm posting this for concerned individuals who believe they have the right to NOT have perverted filth forced upon them like this. This was the Super Bowl on local broadcast, not late night on HBO.

Let me know when you have a daughter of your own, and she comes home after having some punk kid tear her top off, see if you care then.

Drama !!

It will last until the next big event.

Everyone forget about Michael already?

War in Iraq?



Yes showing the tit was silly and wrong. Was it meant to happen? Only Justin and Janet know that. It is done and over with. I'm sure it will not happen again after all the flack they are getting.
It's not like they did a close up and held the camera to her tit for 10 min, it was all of 2 sec. If anyone has kids and they ask tell them it was an accident. My brother has 5 kids . I asked him about it and said they just giggled about it for a few seconds and that was it.
Thank you for that. I like a booby as much as the next guy, but I can't imagine trying to explain that scene to a child had there been one watching at my house.
It is B.S. a line has to be drawn in the sand. The bar is getting raised every time they get away with it.

P.S. Then monkey commercial was more out of line than the Viagra stuff.
LMAO... it was just a breast...Every female has two of them and in almost anywhere in the world but the middle east and the US, 7 year olds see them all the time with no ill affects. I was watching it on big screen TV and it just looked like she was wearing a Pasty. I couldn't even tell if she was really exposed or not. Better not take your kid to any art museums... many paintings have exposed breasts in them.

What do you want to happen? Should we make them wear a big Scarlet A or burn them on a stake as witches? You think either one of them would even miss a $200,000 fine?

My god if you people need something to complain about that bad, I think I could find about 500 things more important, more dangerous to a 7 year old, and generally way more repulsive that a silly publicity stunt and a exposed breast.

I think the more you focus on it, the more successful a stunt it was and the more likely it will happen in the future. Just relax and ignore it and it will just go away on it's own.

Well that's my 2 cents.

The WHOLE ad thing is being looked at

Wait untll the class action lawsuit hits. That is coming and rightfully so. You don't walk into a Home Depot and run into an adult movie section. As adults, most, we could care less about that halftime crap that was shown.....and it was crap. Talent?...I'm still waiting. The point of this thing is who was watching, ALL age groups. I don't think this will happen again any time soon, at least as far as the NFL is concerned. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up buying their own TV network to market their product, football. There is a time and a PLACE for everything and this halftime dung has shown exactly who not to hire for a family show. Hell, the MVP spends a day in Disney World for C/S! I'm sorry for these retards who thought this was a good idea because there is NOTHING good about it unless some wizard can convince me otherwise.......anyone? Drew
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
Let me know when you have a daughter of your own, and she comes home after having some punk kid tear her top off, see if you care then.
Been there done that, already have one that just moved out of the house. Just glad I never had to explain the erectile disfunction commercial to her, anything else can be seen on the National Geographic channel.
For those of you who have a hard time seeing the "big picture" here.....this is not about just a flash of a tit. Listen to the lyrics being sung, along with the action of ripping off her top....hello?

2quik, no offense, but if you have children, daughters especially, and you don't think this is a big deal, I think you're an idiot. And by the way, erectile disfunction is a medical term, meaning it is a health issue.

Drew, I hear ya!

V6, yea, it was just a breast, but it was the manner in which the breast was exposed. Here again, not to offend, but you sound like an idiot too for trying to compare this incident to art in a museum????????? And if Americans act like this was no big deal, imagen what they try to throw at us the next time for shock value.

Ted A., you hit the nail on the head.

For anyone interested in maybe learning more about what's really going on, check this out.........

Preview: Learn how:

Major corporations – Viacom, Disney, AOL/Time Warner and others – study America's children like laboratory rats, in order to sell them billions of dollars in merchandise by tempting, degrading and corrupting them.

MTV and other "youth-oriented" corporations hold focus groups, send out "culture spies" (which they call "correspondents") to pretend to befriend and care about teens so they can "study" them, hire shills to interact with young people in Internet chat rooms, and employ other deceptive stratagems to help them orchestrate their next, and always weirder and more shocking, marketing campaign.
It's really a sad world we live in when educated corporate giants corrupt moral values in children just to make a freakin' buck! Then it gets worse when parents don't even care enough to try and see what's really going on! That's the biggest problem! Most parents let MTV raise there kids. I should have been born back in the 50's. Then there would have been no turbo Buicks......damned either way!!
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST

2quik, no offense, but if you have children, daughters especially, and you don't think this is a big deal, I think you're an idiot. And by the way, erectile disfunction is a medical term, meaning it is a health issue.

V6, yea, it was just a breast, but it was the manner in which the breast was exposed. Here again, not to offend, but you sound like an idiot too for trying to compare this incident to art in a museum????????? And if Americans act like this was no big deal, imagen what they try to throw at us the next time for shock value.

No offense but when you act like an ass and start calling anyone that disagrees with you an idiot you really don't hold much water in your save the children campaign. Your kids will learn to act and treat people the way you act and treat people. This advice is going to go in one ear and out the other and I am sure that I too will be an idiot despite you not knowing a thing about me. Good luck with your campaign to save the children.
Originally posted by BlownZ
No offense but when you act like an ass and start calling anyone that disagrees with you an idiot you really don't hold much water in your save the children campaign.

If you take my statements of an opinion, based on the ignorance I read from somebody, as acting like an ass, well, that too is your opinion. Your right, I don't know you, or the ones that I replied to personally, so I base my comments entirely on the statements they make. I don't hate anyone, nor do I wish harm to anyone, but I think people are idiots that don't take things like this matter more seriously. AND, I'd be glad to tell anybody this personally.

Oh, yea, if you go back and read the very first post in this thread that I started, it says, "for those of you who are concerned....", the way I see it, is if you comment, and you are not really concerned, don't get upset if you get a negative comment back. I created this post, the title clearly states the purpose, if you come at me with your thoughts and opinions to the contrary, how about not getting bent out of shape if I "flame" back.

And by the way Blown, I could not agree with you more about kids learning from your own actions...but I also believe that everyone has a right to stand up for what they believe in, this is in the constitution that I served my country to defend. I don't teach hatred, nor do I teach weakness of defending beliefs.
People are making this out to be much more than it really is.

I don't understand why our society puts such a huge taboo on sex, whereas it glamorizes violence. People fly off the hook when a breast pops up on TV, yet say nothing about the extremely graphic war footage that was running near non-stop on all channels.

Anyone who has a serius moral objection to seeing a breast exposed on national television, yet has no objection to seeing people shooting REAL bullets, rockets and artillery at each other is first a hypocrite and second either dumb or ignorant, or a combination of the two.

There are two ways you can handle this situation:

1. Blame everybody involved, file complaints, lawsuits, etc.

2. Use this as an opportunity to educate you child about proper behavior, respect and morality and why acts such as this are not appropriate. It is the perfect example for them to learn from.

I had my 7 year old nephew with me, he saw it all. We explained it to him thoroughly and it has not been an issue since.

If you have a child that can't understand the situation after an explanation, or you can't explain it to them then you have a problem bigger than breasts on TV, and your efforts should be focused on solving your problem.

Chris S
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
2quik, no offense, but if you have children, daughters especially, and you don't think this is a big deal, I think you're an idiot. And by the way, erectile disfunction is a medical term, meaning it is a health issue.
As I already said, I've already successfully raised a very bright and intelligent daughter...not sure about the idiot comment....yes its a medical term and so is breasts, its human nature. Better you are there to explain it to her than her seeing it elsewhere, if she hasn't already learned than from their friends at that age.
I feel for you, I'm glad I'm not raising a child in todays environment. I would have a lot harder time explaining what all the commercials and the lyrics to those worthless songs were about to a child rather than explain what a star on Janets breast was for. What about all of the beer commercials too.
Its not the networks fault this happened, many people watched the rehearsals and that was not part of the gig. If anyone should be fined it should be Janet and Justin, and forever ban their music..but that's just it, sex sells so she will go on to sell a million albums when her new one is released in a few months.
Originally posted by PCS74
People are making this out to be much more than it really is.

I don't understand why our society puts such a huge taboo on sex, whereas it glamorizes violence. People fly off the hook when a breast pops up on TV, yet say nothing about the extremely graphic war footage that was running near non-stop on all channels.

Anyone who has a serius moral objection to seeing a breast exposed on national television, yet has no objection to seeing people shooting REAL bullets, rockets and artillery at each other is first a hypocrite and second either dumb or ignorant, or a combination of the two.

There are two ways you can handle this situation:

1. Blame everybody involved, file complaints, lawsuits, etc.

2. Use this as an opportunity to educate you child about proper behavior, respect and morality and why acts such as this are not appropriate. It is the perfect example for them to learn from.

I had my 7 year old nephew with me, he saw it all. We explained it to him thoroughly and it has not been an issue since.

If you have a child that can't understand the situation after an explanation, or you can't explain it to them then you have a problem bigger than breasts on TV, and your efforts should be focused on solving your problem.

Chris S

Most parents get far more worked up over issues like this than the kids do. A Britney Spears video had more pornographic type material than that 1 second shot of Janet. A non-issue in my book but everyone is different and has a right to their opinion....I just see things every day that parents SHOULD get worked up over but don't....then a stupid prank like this creates a media frenzy. I don't get it.
Originally posted by GRAYGHOST
but I think people are idiots that don't take things like this matter more seriously. AND, I'd be glad to tell anybody this personally.

You sound like an excellent parent....a great role model. So anyone that disagrees with your opinion is an idiot. Nice thinking there genius.
I think it is a disgrace and thanks for the link.

Ted is correct the bar keeps getting raised. First it was the Madonna kiss on live TV and now this. :rolleyes:

That is the problem with most people, Oh well it is just a booby and Oh it is just an Ass and it is just a gay show on TV.

I really ask where some of you are, this is, what is feeding our children's generation. Sex, drugs, violence, and the freedom to do what you want when you want it with no boundaries. Hello where are the morals.

If the FCC does not hammer this issue, it will only be a matter of time until our TV'S are flooded with more sexual content.

This is to be kept behind closed doors. I am sorry-- get a little cooth.

But then the freedom fighters always pushing the envelope, how about this news today.

Let me guess who cares and I guess if it does not personally effect me, I am okay with it. That is why this country is going to S.H.I.T!!Wake up people. :rolleyes:
2quik, your right that I'd rather be the one to explain it to her. However, I don't think it should be forced on me in my own house watching a primetime event during what is considered to be "family viewing hours". If I was out in public, and I see some dumb a$$ doing something stupid, that my girls say, what's that?, or why did he/she say that?, etc. I explain that that's not how we should act, they were maybe having a bad day, so on and so on......This world is a constant bomb bardment of negative, mean, disrespectful, hateful, perverted people. I guess it wears on me to the point I get a little mean back. If you wan tto be a certain way, hey, that's your right, go pierce your nose, or be a homo or whatever, but you will NOT bring it in my house, or try and put your agenda on my children without a fight. Even Gods people back in the day had to knock some heads for the right cause.

Anybody listen to country? "you've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything."

And again, don't take my comments personally about being an idiot, that's just my opinion. Hell, I think I'm an idiot too! Sometimes......
Originally posted by BlownZ
You sound like an excellent parent....a great role model. So anyone that disagrees with your opinion is an idiot. Nice thinking there genius.

As do you, you sound like a freakin' smart a$$ now.....I remember telling you I had something you could blow for smarting off to me before.....seems like you just like to stir up stuff. I hope we can meet one day:)

By the way, I did not say you were an idiot, I said you sound like an idiot to me. If you have to get that offensive about it, might be merit to what I said then.

Hey NJ! I hear ya! I was wondering if I was making the last stand here by myself.