speaker connecting


New Member
Jun 9, 2002
ok guys, i plan on building my subwoofer box, using 3 solobaricL7 subs..my question is to how to go about wireing the subs to my amp. the amp is a zr600 kicker, putting out around 850 watts max. now should i buy these speakers in 4 ohm or 2? if they are wired paralell 4ohm-4ohm-4ohm will they bring the impedence down to 1 ohm? and if so should i be worried about hurting my amp, even though it supports down to .5 ohm? also..wiring this to my amp, the amp is 2 channel so i would just bridge this into 1 channel? if im completely wrong tell me, and if you think this amp is suitable for 3 very powerful subs, 10" subs btw.. also if anyone is looking for a box with (2) 15" solobarics, sealed encloser with a baffle, roughly 3 years old, 2years of use.:)
ZR down to half-ohm?? Are you sure about that? I think they are only stable to a 1ohm stereo, 2-ohm mono. Yes you would want to bridge the amp down to 1 channel.

I wouldn't go any more than 2 L7's. Those things require lots of airspace and need lots of power.

Are you looking to compete in SPL competitions, or just want something real loud? 2 L7's will be real loud, 3 would naturally be better for SPL comp's but I would also look at feeding them a little more power if your going that route.
I have yet to hear them. my old box is 2 15" solobarics, the old circle design. the bass from them is about what im looking for, just looking for crisper bass responce. thus the reason for going with 3 10"s. i do not plan on doing competitions, i just love good music and good bass, i.e no rap.. I also have not listined to bass in a car without a trunk, question is how much better will it sound being in a hatchback, 2 10's rather, and how much of a difference is there between the old 15's and the new 10"s, meaning the loudness of the bass:confused:
well lets see, a few calculations will give a ball-park figure. First assume that the XMAX of L7's are the same as the solo's. Also need to assume that the percentage of cone area taken up by the surround is the same so we can just eliminate that for sake of comparison. Also assume that the 15" solo's have a true 15" dia cone and the 10" L7's have a true 10"^2 cone.

Now, the total area for the 2 15s are: 353.4 in^2
total area for 3 L7s are: 300 in^2

With the assumption that the XMAX of the old solo's is the same the L7's then the 2 15's will have more putput. BUT, I believe that the L7's have more XMAX than the old solo's so in reality your output will be very near the same. Now, with just a ZR600 pushing the 3 L7s they won't be reaching anywhere near their XMAX unless they are in a huge box so you may very well not get as much output as the 2 15's unless you get more power. But maybe not, that depends if your were pushing the old 15's to their XMAX as well.

Lots of factors to consider. ;)

For wiring it looks like buying the dual 4-ohm would be best. wire the coils of each sub in series and then parallel the 3 subs for a final load of 2.66 ohms. Going with the dual 2-ohms the closest you could get is 3 ohms. In reality either way would be getting practically the same amount of power.


EDIT: It should be louder with a hatchback than a trunk.
Thanks for the help buddy. After reading I decided to go with just the 2 10" L7's. It will be alot easier anyways, seeing I have a sealed encloser already, with the near same cubic ft required. Until I can afford a few new amps ill hold off on making the enclosure for 3 subs. How well do you think 425 watts per speaker will power just the 2 L7s? Man I really need a better amp..:cool:
it will power them fine, they just won't be putting out all that they can. Those L7's just like a lot of power to reach full excursion.

You should still be pleased with the output though. :)