So is anyone tired of winter yet?


Turbo Milk Jug displacmnt
May 28, 2001
I know its been alot worse in other parts of the country, but I'm tired of our Texas winter already :(
It can look like this here...this was from about 3 years ago


But I'd rather be doing this :)

In the past two weeks it has snown here more than I remember in the past 5 years put together. It has been coming down all day. However, It was a blast pulling my friend (Who has a full arm cast on) around on an old MT slick tube around the neighborhood behind the quad:eek: .
I get tired of winter sometime in mid-September when I realize that it's on the way. :biggrin:

So far, so good this year though. It's been real mild here. T-shirt weather this evening as a matter of fact.
I agree Greg, I start to dread winter on the first day that the high is less than 75!

December 19th;


Loving it so far here in Southern New England. Not a bit of snow so far, mildest winter here in years. Makes it easier on the heating bill since we are paying $2.48 a gallon for oil.:mad:
This is the mildest winter I can remember here in the Chicagoland area. No snow on the ground and in the mid to upper 40's. :D
Wait til mid January.

This is the mildest winter I can remember here in the Chicagoland area. No snow on the ground and in the mid to upper 40's. :D
Real hard cold starts for the daily drivers, frozen door locks, U know its coming, it always does. :( I would drive my regal but with the ground soo cold and the lack of traction, Im afraid of grenading another trans. Guess Ill just wait for the first 60 degree day in late March.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that winter hasn't come to the north east yet. :biggrin:
I think it's 15 right now....Thought this was the desert:eek: . Record snowfall, the street is still covered in front of my house for a good 4 houses up..Had to "air down" the tires on the el camino and back up the street!!
This winter has been horrible in the chicago area. No snow at all been like 40's here. No snow up in northern wisconsin either which means no snowmobiling for me yet. I haven't even planned any trips up north yet.
I have been taking advantage of Chicago weather, driving the GN as much as possible.

I do think its the calm before the storm, we have a rude awakening.
Great day today here in balmy Buffalo,NY!! Taking the GN out in a few minutes,she has no idea it is January!!:)
The only reason I enjoy winter is winter sports. I want to go snowboarding so bad it's killing me! Was actually thinking about taking a trip to Vail, CO.
Im sick of it, it was 60 when i woke up this morning. THIS SUCKS A$$. :p You had to know one of us would come on and say it. :D