SD2/Powerlogger Pro general discussion

Eric, Got the new chip and installed it. Everything went smoothly except when I tried to enter "1.49 for TPS max for PT TCC". PLC immediately changed the value to 1.47. Then when I moved to DFCO Enable RPM (or any other spot on the screen) it changed to 1.45. I haven't been able to make it 1.49. Will this be an issue?
thats a rounding glitch in PLC. I will fix it in the next update.

It won't affect anything.

I noticed the same rounding error when trying to enter values in the target afr table.
I have also but figured out that you can go one or two points above and it will correct its self to the number you want.
Mine had 2 yellow squares on the new settings , but I figured my car was a 3 speed non lu so it probably does not need it ? It that the case ?
the new stuff will work with a 3 speed trans. just put good data in the new settings. try 2000 rpm for enable, 1500 for disable, 2 seconds, and 45 mph.

On the rounding glitch, its just an annoyance, I'll make sure its fixed in the next update.

Ok I know with the SD2 chip it does not use the narrow band 02's any more but.... I have not been checking them and was looking at some logs and the wideband is pretty much spot on but the narrow band is all over the place. Is this a big deal the car is running great with no problems just wondering. I turned off the Wideband correction to make sure it was not the problem with no change. Here is a couple of logs.


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just a quick look at hwy77, the narrowband looks like I would expect.

Okay, got a quick question. I was helping D (USMC_Turbo6) get his chip in and up and going and came across a new (to me) issue. Car running, lights on, fans off, and CF is about 120. Fans kick on and the CF goes to ~124. Turn the lights off and CF goes to ~150. Anyone have any ideas?
I was thinking that was if he had had an extender chip. He took out a TT 6.1 chip. Would that have had the wire in D11?
So just took a quick look and I did not see a gray wire so what could be the problem. Will take my time in the morning and go through each and every wire with a fine tooth comb to ensure that I did not miss anything. And like Steve said if the car is running with the lights off of then the CF wants to rise but as soon as the band and the lights come on the CF drop back down it's crazy to me.

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how is your MAP sensor wired?

I have seen this when the MAP sensor is powered by the stock wiring, on my car hitting the brakes made it worse when the lights were on.

is it the fan doing it, or the lights? because there is a fan compensation parameter.

I will take pic of how things are wiried and the cf rises with the lights are off and the fans are off if I turn on the lights the CF the CF starts to drop back down into the normal parameters any will from 120 to 125.

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Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app


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An before any you guys go in and rip me a new one about the wiring I did not do it I had a shop in town do it. Me and wiring is like saying that I'm going to swim in the ocean just not going to happen

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If anyone has tango and can video chat and help me out let me know

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