Restoring your trim: how spray paint can make all the difference!

Adam Connell

Monster Truckin since 87'
Oct 1, 2006
Well, Im in the process of a mini overhaul for the GN. Im in the process of installing everything that I've either bought and not installed, or fixing what "should have" been fixed a long time ago. Well here's my story of getting sidetracked! haha!

Im in the process of cleaning up the rear of the car. My original intent was just to fix the rear fillers and call it a day... well after I got the tail lights out I decided they needed some work. Talk about night and day!! I wished I had taken a before and after picture, but trust me it's a big deal and EASY! This takes and hour max and here's what I did:

-Remove tail lights(4 "thumbscrews" in trunk)
-remove trim (maybe a total a 10-12 easy phillips head screws)
-remove light bulbs

The tail light housings should be out at this point, be careful removing the trim. It may need some light encouragement, but make sure to be gentle. It feels like it would be easy to crack if you got a little rough, but it is pretty flexible.

Next: Wipe down the trim with a wax remover or surface prep. Any of the "surface prep" stuff is actually just mineral spirits... DO NOT "scuff" the trim. It will ruin the factory appearance.

Now you're ready to paint and this will work for ALL of your Buick's trim:
I used duplicolor's "trim paint". I could not be any happier with it. I own a small paint restoration shop(long word for an exterior only detail shop lol), and I do a little touch up here and here. This trim paint is the EASIEST to spray paint I have ever used... It lays down nice and even, and even if you think you screw up spraying, let it dry, it is VERY forgiving.

Basically just put on two or three LIGHT coats. You dont want much paint here because it will fill in the factory texture. You want the first coat to fully cover, but just enough to cover. Wait roughly 1 minute between coats, the trick here is laying the next coat on while the previous coat is still tacky. If you want an idea of how long I wait between coats here's what I do: when you're done with the previous coat immediately flip the spray can upside down and clear the nozzle by spraying it, the spray will turn clear. Then shake the can until your arm starts to get a bit tired... take a quick breath or two and start painting again! For the second and third coat I suggest holding the can roughly 12in away. You're not trying to "spray" the piece, you want the paint to almost fall onto the piece if you catch my drift. The word dry coat comes to mind.
The paint will self level if you do it this way and dry to a move even finish. LESS IS MORE here! If the paint doesnt look even after the 3rd coat, then let it dry, trust me it will look a hell of a lot better dry.

Wait 10-15min and then pick up the part and go put it in the sun and see what you think. If the result isnt quite good enough, then try it again! The second round of spraying will be much more forgiving, and remember less is more. I would just do one light-medium coat with the focus being on even coverage, I actually hold the can farther away(12-16in) and use what I call a "dusting" method for a touch up coat.

Remember this is MUCH easier than I am making it sound, so many people are scared of painting, but it really isnt hard to get professional results if you take your time and dont get in a rush!

Back to the tail lights:
I wiped mine down with the same surface prep stuff and got all of the dirt/wax/crud off. Make sure the solvent you use does not hurt the plastic... test it in a small spot first.

Next just get some Mcguires plastic polish or something similar and go to town. Nothing special here, if your lights are badly oxidized you can wet sand with 1500, then 2000, then machine polish. Try just polishing by hand first and keep in mind what is covered by trim, you dont have to go nuts here.

Now reinstall and there you go!

The paint process will work on ANY of your trim, I am actually doing my headlight bezels today along with my door trim. You can do the door strips on the car, but mine needed some attention so I removed them. MAKE SURE you mask well if you do them on the car...

Good luck!
X2 on the Duplicolor trim black, one of the best rattle cans ever made.
Nice write-up!

Hey Adam this is off topic but do you live in a neighborhood off of eldridge and 90? I have a friend that lives near there and has seen somebody doing a lot of things to a GN. I was over at his house and drove by to see if the owner was out working on it but they were leaving so i didn't bother. I did see the GN in the garage though. Nice writeup by the way.
Thanks for the tips and detailed information. I'm sure a lot of people will find this helpful.

When spraying parts, there definately is a method to getting better results. I sprayed my headlight bezels and grill using a similar satin trim paint. I took my time and practiced on some spare parts first and was very happy with the way they turned out.
OK, I confess... I did all my trim with SEM Satin Black paint...I agree it made car look much better!! :biggrin:
SEM Trim Black here as well. Never liked the dupli-color. SEM applies easily, and is tough as nails........... but it is 10 bux a can!
Hey Adam this is off topic but do you live in a neighborhood off of eldridge and 90? I have a friend that lives near there and has seen somebody doing a lot of things to a GN. I was over at his house and drove by to see if the owner was out working on it but they were leaving so i didn't bother. I did see the GN in the garage though. Nice writeup by the way.

Hey man, naw my parents live a bit farther down around 6 and 90 in New Territory. I dont know of anyone with a GN in that area though. I actually have the car here in Denton with me right now, I have a small shop up here and I got the A/C working so Im busting ass all week fixing as many things as I can... Gunna tear into the front suspension and steering tomorrow.I'll be back in town with the car this weekend though and Im going to leave it with my parents again.

I bought a 69 Nova SS roller that is keeping me more than occupied right now haha! I got all of the body work done, now I just have to decide on a color and Im going to start painting. Thinking about Cyber Metallic gray off of the C6 vettes. My plan right now is to do an LSX/4l80 swap with a turbo or two.
Nice write up. Wish you had some pics to show the transformation. I'm a big fan of Duplicolor black trim paint. I think it sprays the best. I don't care for Plasitcote.
Sorry on the lack of pictures... Im in the process of moving into a new shop, and I was stripping the floors today and BAM! slipped and busted my ass good... I fell flat on my back and didnt even have time to react! Nothing broke thankfully, and the pills are keeping me happy... haha

Im only 21, played football, been in a nasty 60+mph car wreck into a tree, been hit by a car, and did a little BMX back in the day, and I can honestly say this is the most sore I have ever been... Slipping is no joke! :eek: I just laid there for a few minutes trying to figure out if I was ok or not, then got up and went to the ER to get double checked... Now I know how old people break stuff when they fall, it's scary stuff!

I will try to shoot some pics tomorrow when I do my headlight bezels. Still trying to get this car prepped for a show me and my friends do in Houston every year.
Sorry on the lack of pictures... Im in the process of moving into a new shop, and I was stripping the floors today and BAM! slipped and busted my ass good... I fell flat on my back and didnt even have time to react! Nothing broke thankfully, and the pills are keeping me happy... haha

Im only 21, played football, been in a nasty 60+mph car wreck into a tree, been hit by a car, and did a little BMX back in the day, and I can honestly say this is the most sore I have ever been... Slipping is no joke! :eek: I just laid there for a few minutes trying to figure out if I was ok or not, then got up and went to the ER to get double checked... Now I know how old people break stuff when they fall, it's scary stuff!

I will try to shoot some pics tomorrow when I do my headlight bezels. Still trying to get this car prepped for a show me and my friends do in Houston every year.

:eek: take it easy..... don't push it or you will regret it. I messed up my back two years ago when I was 21 at a house fire and I pushed it trying to get back onto the fire trucks.... I still to this day take 3-4 hours to fall asleep because it hurts to badly to lay down :frown: Take the pills and get some rest then slowly work your way back up to full strength.
Hey Adam this is off topic but do you live in a neighborhood off of eldridge and 90? I have a friend that lives near there and has seen somebody doing a lot of things to a GN. I was over at his house and drove by to see if the owner was out working on it but they were leaving so i didn't bother. I did see the GN in the garage though. Nice writeup by the way.

Awesome Write up!!! I will be doing that this weekend, i was going to pick up some SEM paint here in Stafford BUT since you got good results with the duplicolor, i'm in!
what if you have black paint on your trim? what do you use to take it off with so you can repaint it with the trim paint...
Fine steel wool or paper. Smooth enough for a nice finish but, not so smooth the paint won't stick. Don't use any chemical strippers on plastic.