Quick Oct Giveaway 08!

Damn, I'm Too Late :mad:

Glad I Already Bought One :biggrin:

What a GREAT TIME !! :cool:
count me in

Winner #3!

Congrats to all 3 winners! Please contact GNcollectables with your address to claim your prize!!!!

Big thanks to him for giving us a late year giveaway and for filming this great event!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all that entered!
Dont know why I even play:mad: :p

'Cuz sometimes (ok, well almost never ;) ) the vendor/sponsor/fellow buick guy just says to YOU -

"hey, thanks for entering! And send me YOUR mailing address 'cuz I decided to give YOU a free copy too!"

(yes, seriously... :cool: PM me )

To the rest of you who entered - see the next post! :wink: