powermaster motor fried


New Member
Nov 18, 2002
I have had a problem with my powermaster for a while (flashing brake light/soft pedal) so I replaced the accumulator. Everything is great. two days later the motor starts smoking at the end of my 15min drive (also smells really bad). the next day the motor doesnt run/ no power brakes and solid brake light on. Any thoughts on what happened? Is it possible that I screwed up or the new accumulator did this???? Any thoughts would be great
Thanks- Jon

There could be a leak inside the cylinder and the motor kept on running trying to maintain pressure. If the motor runs for more than 15 or 20 minutes it is going to burn. I went to autozone and got a Cardone rebuild. It includes everythiing and is guanteed forever. Some people have had bad experiences with Cardone rebuilds, so I've heard. But if it fails they give you another. Mine has been on 4 months and works great.
Having said all that, the Cardone was a band-aid. If the Cardone fails, I will switch to vacuum. the Cardone was $170.00 with the core. Chris
I understand the remanufactured unit at AutoZone now costs $300. Good thing, too. They're such a great unit. :rolleyes: Switch to vacuum...............and LIVE! ;)
If you're intent on running a PM, then rebuild the master cylinder and order a new motor (one of the board members sells new motors). The check valve in the master cykinder is probably leaking. I assume you haven't changed fluid in a long time and it looks black and cruddy. That crud adheres to the power piston and master cylinder bores and pistons. The only way the master cylinder goes bad is if the bores are pitted. Then the master cylinder needs to be replaced, because the bores are anodized and cannot be honed.