Newbie in the family

Nov 27, 2001
i know chris wanted to know :D

a newbie arrived in the family around 8pm....and she looks like this

:D no pocket rocket for me though....because i know ill do stupid stuff :D though it looks so tempting
Awsome! congrats on the n00b :p

Just buy like Harley and get a buggie for it to take your daughter in. that should hold you from doing anything outragous.
thanks wife is more excited though :) of the cycle shops picked up her bike from our house today so the seat could be shaved and whatever else needs to be done so she can get riding

but half way there....3 more yrs and soon i can get my tow truck....i should start researching now though huh and dream well every nite....options....should it be like a full scorpion deal....or the flat bed tilt ramp with the scorpion.....i like the flat bed idea since you can tow two "street race" cars at once....:D