New Mustang GT Goes Down


New Member
Dec 2, 2005
Coming home with the wife from a car show that we were in Saturday. Met a fairly new Mustang GT on the far end of a deserted street, 3 blocks from the freeway. We were setting at a light and when it changed I told my wife that he would probably get on it. Sure enough, he had about a car length on me and nailed it in second. I was in second also and hammered the gas, (running 17 psi boost on 91 octane, no alky); we flew past him and pulled about 3 lengths on him before we got to the exit. He pulled in behind us and wouldn't come up beside us anymore. Wanted to play a little more with him, but he wouldn't bite. What a blast!!:D

Nice kill....Its always a good laugh when they don't want anymore of the bad V6!!
you big bully ;)

Nice kill, my buddy has a new stang GT. He is always wanting to race my GN, but it's been rainy lately, so we keep putting it off. I don't think he would be so eager if he knew my pt51 showed up on my porch this afternoon. :eek: