need to sell


Feb 15, 2004
i really need to sell my gn,i am deploying and i need to eliminate as many bills as i have, and need to sell the car to pay off the loan, i am running out of time quickly. if anyone on list is interested or knows anyone interested, pm me,e-mail me or call me(783-4742).

no, i dont have any, i will have to take some, maybe tomorrow i will take some pics of it and post them. it needs a turbo, has a ta49 on it and i have not bought a replacement yet.

desperately need to sell, i am leaving december 23rd, if anyone is interested PM me or call me(808-783-4742) car needs a turbo.

really need to sell...leaving monday... $4,000 all car needs is a turbo and the ic cleaned out and it will be runnin strong as it did for me before the turbo went.
Hey Joe, Hope you can read this wherever you may be. Since your car has never moved from where it's parked, I can only assume that you never sold it before you left. Well...hate to be the bearer of bad news...your car has a orange sticker on the window and I believe it's an abandoned vehicle notice of some sort. stew
Hey Stew,
Maybe you could just hook up a tow rope and drag it a few feet. Hate to see a turbo buick get towed away. Where exactly is it??
Stew, are the tires marked with yellow crayon? Would you be able to PM me the license number or the location of the car? I know someone at the A/V section.
Sorry, I didn't take notice of the plates. It's on a military installation and appears to have two flat rear tires. Hopefully there's something he can do since he's deployed. I'm afraid there's not much I can do without the owner's consent. I'll make some inquiries tomorrow. Worst case scenario for's going to get towed to one of the military j-yards where it'll be auctioned to the highest bidder. If no one wants it, it'll be parted out. :( stew
well, i dont know what to do, never been in a prediciment like this before, so if anyone can help me would i apreciate it a lot, i had a car cover on it still on the car, or no?
anyone with any help or info can e-mail e @
also, i stored a lot of stuff in there, so if it gets taken somewhere im SOL...hmm, is someone can do something for me,e-mail me please...also i want to thanks you guys for the notification.
Originally posted by TurboJohn
Joe, sent you mail.

Me too, twice. One to your addy you have on file with and the other to the one you just gave.

TurboJohn: Is there anything you can do? I'm going to try ask some questions tomorrow. stew
thanks to anyone who has helped me out so far, what do i need to do to get it from shafter to is next destination(do i need power of atorney?, i also have the keys with me here and the title/reg. is in the car.
if you could be of any help , id apreciate it..since the car is parked right across the road from the mp's can you let me know what you know of this..if anything,and is there any way at all that you can have any part in keeping it from leaving there(since you're an mp) to buy me some time since i am halfway around the world, for me to send keys, or any documents needed will take a while.
Joe, Okay, I think I bought you some time. I took the liberty to put some aired up tires on there and with a floor jack moved the car parallel within the lines of the stall.

According to MPs, as long as the vehicle is current, they shouldn't touch it. The other cars that were tagged within the same lot all had expired registration stickers.

I know you're busy out there fighting for our civil liberties but without any kind of authorization, I/we can't help you much. I can only say that I'll try my best to help you out.

If you want to contact the MPs you should be able to call DSN 315 438 7114
and the person who tagged it MSgt Guess at DSN 315 438 6145.

I'll try to find out more and keep you posted. stew
Joe, are you still interested in selling the car. I know it's a bad time to be asking, but I'm in the market for an 87 GN. Thanks and Semper Fi.

Former 85 GN owner.
Uhhhh.....who is MSGT Guess??????????? Dude, do not worry about your GN I will personally guarantee you that it will NOT move from that spot!

I will spread the word about your situation as have I have been,.I've told several people about it being for sale.

By the way, pm me on a contact with access to it. I.E. a key just in case I get a serious buyer.

Hope your staying safe over their!
Come home safe and sound dude!!
Originally posted by Army MP
Uhhhh.....who is MSGT Guess??????????? Dude, do not worry about your GN I will personally guarantee you that it will NOT move from that spot!

I*think*he's some kind of residence grounds keeper of some sort.

Sooo...Army MP, no worries, huh?

Oh and do we have a prospective buyer?

Joe sent you mail. stew