Need some help with something everyone


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
Im a little pissed so maybe im talking nonsense, but i went to a local car show tonight that ive been to a few times in the past as mainly a spectator, yesterday I washed my car & before i went today I waxed it as I was going to actually participate in this weekly thing. I went and parked my car 5 other cars there and about parking for 80ish & I guess one of the "event" guys comes up to me and tells me I have to move my car the show is for 1974 or older cars Im like why is it every week there are newer 'mustangs and this that and the other he says "they wont be here this week the older cars keep getting pushed out to the far lot" im like WTF anywayz i just left cuz i thought it would be retarded to even stay, but normally it is a pretty big show and on nice days like today can draw 50-60 cars.

What im asking is how bout for one week we run these ****ers out of this ****ing parking lot, do a 1975 and up car show? If we could get even 5% of the people in the eastern section to show up for this one thing we could run these old ****ers off. Maybe its me and this might be a dumb Idea & obviously all in spite and nothing more. I always thought a car show was a ****ing car show & hot rodding was just that, hot rodding. I dont roll on dubs my car aint riced out, I've got a ****ing hot rod. Just because I dont have a ****ing 73' camaro shouldnt mean I cant participate. They pulled this **** on me and like 4-5 of my friends a couple of years ago and blamed it on some kid doing a burnout er something as he was leaving, he had a fox body 'Stank so they said oh its gotta be these damn young kids or some crap. Now its cuz of parking and like i said it was me and 5 other cars so I think that is a load of crap.

Bottom line is if everyone agrees with me on this I'd like to see the response of how many people would like to **** on them with me if not forget i ever ranted about this, and try not to think any less of me. All I know is i went there with my 2 year old daughter in hopes to show her cars & to get her to have the love & passion for cars as I do. Personally I dont much care for old muscle, I have respect for it and what its done to the car industry but its not my bag, but I also want my daughter to know what a carb is and what a fastback 'Stank looks like.

Anywayz, rant off