Laptop for DS


May 28, 2001
I just purchased DS and wanted to know which laptop to buy. I searched this board and couldnt get a clear enough answer. I dont want to spend a lot of money and not have DS work. I would like to know what kind of laptops your using and some recommendations. If anyone has a decent one for sale let me know. Thanks Mike
Keep it simple ******** (kiss)

Any good first generation pentium will be MORE than enough power for that application. Running WIN 98SE will present the fewest problems. I run mine on a Compaq LTE 5000 series.
You don't need anything new, no WIN XP, Just make sure what you get works well.
I've got an old IBM 770 thinkpad.

Pentium 133 or so.

Built like a tank!

Works great got it for $175 with a very good battery.

You don't need anything fancy just durable.

Files fit fine on a floppy drive.

Running winders 98 also, not much else. ;)