L. A. Memorial Day Invasion sponsored by LT1Tech:

I'll bring the old blue 86 stocker, LOL

but this time with drag slicks, screw that drag radial stuff!

1986 Buick T type, faded blue, 231 cu in,(109 block) 200r4, stock rear end,
Now you can help promote the event. On the main page of the website is a Flyer that you can save and print out to give to those that are not on the forums.

There are to many forums for me to keep updating the list over and over so check the website I will be updating it regularly. Thanks,

Payments are now being accepted to lock in your slot.
I am unable to post links yet I found out but you can check out losangelesinvasion.com
you can pay to lock in your slot there. i want to have everyone paid by the end of March.

Still working on a parking lot for donut/drifting. Let you all know as soon as its secured.
Rafael - Racing?

If any of you want to be in the car show or cruise please let me know I think i only have you guys down for the racing.
Have we got anyone else interested?

Guys try to get payment in by the end of this month as i will be promoting it at superchevy to make sure we get sold out.
I'm signed up. One quick question on the spectators. I just have my friends and family say they're with my party at the gate and they're in. Right?

Never mind. I'm confused about what events I signed myself up for. Let me straighten this out. Sorry.

OK. Wrong event. Did I get put on the list for this event? I think I still need to pay. I'll do that tonight.
Signed up and paid.

Please mark me as paid next time you update the roster.
Hi Don, can't match your name to payment please email me so I can find it. No Worries.

Also, Anyone else coming?
Hi Guys, got a couple of you payed already thanks. This is a pre registered pre paid event if you are planning to attend or are on the list please get payment in ASAP please.

This is getting close now.
O snap, no BG.. WHY? to long of a drive LOL.. you better get the NRHA 9 sec License so you don't get kicked out :)

Ouch!! What did I ever do to you? :tongue:
It's the ca$h. Last year was $3,600 with everything. Now with gas :eek: Screw it! If I was stroked and running your times Nordy I would go but high 9's isn't gonna cut it out there. :frown: I'll have fun at the AZ West Coast Nat's and around here for now ;) .
Well, it looks like my car is going to be fixed in the next 2-3 weeks so count me in because im tired of missing these things....
Ouch!! What did I ever do to you? :tongue:
It's the ca$h. Last year was $3,600 with everything. Now with gas :eek: Screw it! If I was stroked and running your times Nordy I would go but high 9's isn't gonna cut it out there. :frown: I'll have fun at the AZ West Coast Nat's and around here for now ;) .

there you do Brent.. now your thinking right, BG is old news and NOT worth the time or MONEY to drive all the way out there.. race that BEAST here in Socal :)
Hey guys, thanks for getting paid up.

Nordy I hope you don't sell her until after or at the event.

Love those cars.

So who is giving me a ride in one? haha j/k

Anyway it is prepaid, so if your coming please get paid up ASAP or let me know when you can so I can go get 50 more racers (Mustangs???)

Hey guys, thanks for getting paid up.

Nordy I hope you don't sell her until after or at the event.

Love those cars.

So who is giving me a ride in one? haha j/k

Anyway it is prepaid, so if your coming please get paid up ASAP or let me know when you can so I can go get 50 more racers (Mustangs???)


need help sighning up and paying!!!! :confused:
somebody help a fellow mexican brother out???:biggrin: