knocking 3.8


New Member
Dec 30, 2001
Ok guys here is the situation. I went to the track a few weeks ago and my engine started knocking :)( ). So now im stuck on what to do. Its hard to make up mind becouse i love this car (rust and all). OK should i sell the car or should i rebuild? If i sell it I will buy another (with no rust). If i rebuild i how much would it cost? Is it hard to do it my self? I have never opened an engine before so im kind of scared of tackling a huge project like this. All and any help with this question would be great. Thanks.
Personally, I wouldn't attempt to do it yourself. It's a pretty difficult project that you might want to trust to a qualified mechanic. Good luck!

Make sure your torque convertor bolts are tight, mine came loose and it sounded just like a deep knock in the engine
Not sure if that would be it but it sound like its coming from the engine for sure. It even sounds like it rubbing? Do you know how much it would cost to rebuild an engine?
I pray you didn't pay a lot for it.

Much as I hate to admit it, I owned a rot-box GN way back when (when I was young and dumb, now I'm just the latter) and it cost me a fortune to restore. I ended up with a very, very expensive, 50 footer, rot-box GN.

My advice is ... run as fast as you can!!! But seriously, what's it worth if you:

1. Fix it, then sell it?
2. Sell it as is?
3. Part it out?

Maybe you can base your decision on the above, and try to keep emotion out of it.

Not trying to scare you, just telling you how I feel about rusty cars. After all, we're not talking Hemicudas here - there are too many TRs floating around to settle for a rusty one.

Good luck!

It does have rust but i dont think its to much. A few dimples at the bottom of the door the floors are soild. And no rust an the panels (behind or in front of the wheels) but the t-tops do have rust and were the doors attach too. What do u think does it sound like much? No i didnt pay much for it just trying to asses my options.
There are quite a few guys from Vegas on the board, maybe you can talk to them. I think there is a pretty good shop over there also, but I don't remember the name.

1320 is one of them.
Dan if you know of a good shop in Vegas please post.....also what engine is in your C-3,I saw one the other day,neat truck...