Kid gets whipped for stealing. Like it should be.

because its the TRUTH! get car jacked or robbed at gun point and I'm sure u will be singing a different tune cause thats a daily occurrence in that rat infested shithole!

Dude, why you so down on that town. They must have really offended you someway
because its the TRUTH! get car jacked or robbed at gun point and I'm sure u will be singing a different tune cause thats a daily occurrence in that rat infested shithole!
Sometimes Brett, You can't really put it in words. You just need to be in the mix for a while. There are so many situations people have been in that I will never truly understand. And that's OK. Because I may not want to really ever experience what they did to find out what it was like.

This is my experience with this place. No one can agree or disagree. Because it won't change my perception of what I have been through.
yea true ppl who have never experienced that place really have no idea how violent and dangerous it is. I've been to so many homicides I can't even remember most of em.... at least 150 of em. I do remember one tho that stayed with me over the years......

I rolled up on a car parked in the middle of the Poplar street, I well know violent street. I blew my horn for them to move and the car remained still. I then shined my spotlight at it..... nothn. it was running and I cud see someone in the front seat and cud tell it was clearly a female due to the hair.

so I walked up to the drivers side window and said "Move ur vehicle out of the road" said it pretty stern and with a loud voice and she was just looking str8 ahead with her eyes open ignoring me and I at this point really losing my cool! I then looked around me and seen wat looked like bullet holes on the hood. it looked like someone took a hot iron and made holes in the hood. they were large holes spread out across the hood.

the bullet holes were a very large caliber! like .223 size and then I looked at her from the front of the car thru the windshield and realized she had a hole on the right side of face under her eye on her cheek (very small hole actually looked like a small scratch to be honest) and noticed that her brains were blown out the back of her head onto the rear seat from this apparent gun shot wound.

didn't even notice the small hole in the windshield. she was 17 yrs old and some animal was aiming for her dirtbag BF who was in the passenger seat..... he got away. she never knew wat hit her..... smh

I still remember her mother and sister arriving on scene a short time later and watch both just drop to their knees and cover their face with their hands crying hysterically screaming "NO!!!!!" apparently she was an honor student and was already accepted to UCONN.

just one of many fuked up things that go on in that god forsaken place called Bridgeport.....

for anyone that things Connecticut is a beautiful place you shud check this out.....

Sometimes Brett, You can't really put it in words. You just need to be in the mix for a while. There are so many situations people have been in that I will never truly understand. And that's OK. Because I may not want to really ever experience what they did to find out what it was like.

This is my experience with this place. No one can agree or disagree. Because it won't change my perception of what I have been through.
Sounds like a shitty town.

If she was an honor student she shouldn’t have been hanging with gangbangers.

Shame on her.

Sounds like a shitty town.

If she was an honor student she shouldn’t have been hanging with gangbangers.

Shame on her.

In Bridgeport, if your 17 and haven't been in juvenile or you have the ability to read a McDonald menu, this makes you an honor student.
gangbanger? who said he was a gangbanger? so someone gets shot at so thats means their a gangbanger? see this is the problem with the ignorance that goes on outside of the city and ppl think its always gangbangers shooting at ppl and anyone caught in the crossfire must have deserved it. congrats for stupid comment of the month award smh

the guy shooting at him was pissed off cause he got into a fist fight with the passenger who was messing with his girlfriend and lost and was humiliated and was a real pussy which is why he needed a gun. how he got a hold of an AK-47 I don't know but he did and she was simply an innocent victim so before you make ASSumptions and make an ass out of urself have a little respect for a 17 yr old girl who was shot in the face by a coward!

Sounds like a shitty town.

If she was an honor student she shouldn’t have been hanging with gangbangers.

Shame on her.

Gee let's see. You guys haven't stopped saying what a shithole of a town it is and that there's nothing good There.

I think I made a fair assumption.

But your ASSumption is ok?

gangbanger? who said he was a gangbanger? so someone gets shot at so thats means their a gangbanger? see this is the problem with the ignorance that goes on outside of the city and ppl think its always gangbangers shooting at ppl and anyone caught in the crossfire must have deserved it. congrats for stupid comment of the month award smh

the guy shooting at him was pissed off cause he got into a fist fight with the passenger who was messing with his girlfriend and lost and was humiliated and was a real pussy which is why he needed a gun. how he got a hold of an AK-47 I don't know but he did and she was simply an innocent victim so before you make ASSumptions and make an ass out of urself have a little respect for a 17 yr old girl who was shot in the face by a coward!
Douche bag!