Improving the efficiency of the A/C in our cars


New Member
Sep 2, 2002
Anybody figure out how to improve the performance of the A/C system in our cars, especially with a front mount intercooler?
RC dual fans realy helped with mine .. While sitting still in traffic, I could feel the outlet temp rise a few degrees with the stock fan, does not happen with the RC dual fans. ,,, More cfm across evap= lower outlet temps.
Like Ski said, get better fans. The other choice is to get the condenser unit which is sold for use with R134A. It is modified to give more heat transfer area. You could do both, and get the most improvement.

My a.c. works fine,the only problem I have is I'm not able to control the temperature. I use max cooling but when move the temperature to a warmer setting nothing happens(maybe the fan slows down a little) When I put it on normal I can adjust the temp. but the compressor still runs constantly so I just keep it on max and slow down the fan to keep comfortable. Does anyone know why my compressor constantly runs? I do notice a small amount of oil near the pully. Tommy
With the A/C system and the cooling system working properly, there is no reason a proper front mount install would not be able to keep a GN very comfortable in your area.

A local 10sec. car drives to the track and around town in our 100+ deg. temps in cool comfort and has a FM. He also has an upgrade radiator and the dual Ramchargers fan.

The stock A/C system works very well, just the need to maintain the cooling system and airflow.:cool:

If you have any problems Bob, give me a call.
Yeah, I had to put a new core on the radiator shortly after getting the car, was not able to upgrade to a larger one, but its new and should be flowing efficiently. With regards to better fans, I think you are right, it would help and I will look into that. I forgot to mention I have T-Tops, so its like a fish bowl, heats up pretty quick and makes it difficult for AC to be very efficient. I will be tinting them black when I get the car painted later this month.

Another thing, when I do run the AC motor temps go up quite a bit. Usually runs about 165-175, but when AC is on jumps to 185-195.

I pretty much run with the windows down for now, as you said in my area it does not get that hot. But when I go inland 10 miles to work, it hits 100 at lunch.
Will give it a shot, thanks for the suggestions. I hear you and your crew might make an appearence out here agian, any dates you are looking at?
Originally posted by litz
I will be tinting them black when I get the car painted later this month.

I'm not sure if this is just a myth, an old tale or if there is truth to this, but I've heard that putting tint on t-tops is not good and will make your glass break. I've never seen that in person, but I've read that on a few boards (here included). You could look into t-top covers. My father has some on his Monte Carlo SS and it keeps the sun off of you pretty well.

Originally posted by gn85
I'm not sure if this is just a myth, an old tale or if there is truth to this, but I've heard that putting tint on t-tops is not good and will make your glass break. I've never seen that in person, but I've read that on a few boards (here included). You could look into t-top covers. My father has some on his Monte Carlo SS and it keeps the sun off of you pretty well.

I tinted mine for quite a while with no ill effects. I just didn't like the fact that sun still comes in. It makes your look tint even lighter. I will get those t-top shades eventually. I just have a few things left to do to the car to get it like I want it.:D