Has any one done this to a Turbo buick.

Ummm... Yes, this we know :rolleyes: .

There are many things in physics that were completely crazy until someone discovered them or proved them. Do a youtube search on water cells, you will see a lot peolpe generating Hydrogen and Oxygen from very simple setups with only 12V batteries. Now, yes, we dont know how much of these gases they really are producing, but there is always improvements in any system that can be made to make it more efficient, and I believe with a little time that I may be able to figure it out, and maybe be able to run an internal combustion engine off of it.

Please re-read my battery example of how much energy you will get from the hydrogen you generate.

2.7 HP for 1 hour assuming 100% efficiency from the electrolysis AND the combustion of the hydrogen, but we both know that can't happen, don't we?
just tuned in

I tuned in about halfway and thought I'd offer what I know about hydrogen fuel . I used to work for a company that manufactures hydrogen fuel cells. The technology has been around for 100 years. I understand NASA got involved because they could produce drinking water (a byproduct of the process) in space. Basically you push hydrogen gas under pressure from a graphite flow field through a polymer membrane. Kinda like sandwiches. At the time the difference in potential was 3 volts for each "sandwich". It was just a matter of series them for more voltage and parallel them for more ampacity. The big drawback is the Hydrogen itself, it is very very explosive with little (stociometric value) effort. Approximatley 8 to 92 percent in air is explosive unlike gasoline which hovers around 14 to 1. It is H2 meaning it only 2 molecules so it is a very thin gas, leaks are a big problem. There is talk of gasoline hitting $1.50 a liter here in Canada this year. Thats roughly 4.75 a gallon.
The idea about using resonant frequencies to acomplish the split with very little energy required may not be too far fetched. There is some amazing steps being taken with the use of resonant freq. Thats the same principle as the opera singer shattering the glass, creating a force that will smash a glass from just a persons voice. Using that concept, some MIT students created wireless transfer of electricity, enough to power a 60w bulb ealier this year. That concept is now being studied to power laptops, cell phones, and many other household applicances without the use of any chords... not that I'm any kind of expert in this field, but saw it mentioned and thought I'd throw it out there.
By the way, resonance is nothing new. Tesla, the guy who created the 20th century in my opinion, and many others agree, did many absolutely amazing things with resonance. Marconi didnt invent radio. Tesla did. The supreme court ruled this as fact in the 40's. For some reason the lie is perpetuated. Tesla invented flourescent lighting, the polyphase AC motor. He's the reason we all use AC today. He created radar. The bladeless turbine. The tesla coil. He had many means of harnessing radiant energy. Think of a solar panel that can be set outside at night, and it works. The star wars defense program is all based on his designs.....you can go on and on. Over 900 patents. Things you cannot imagine. He was the most brilliant man since newton yet most high school kids, or americans for that matter, know nothing of him. You can thank the scumbad, edison for that. This guy was doing things over 100 years ago that we could hardly dream of today.
Theres a story where tesla had his pocket sized resonator attached to a beam in the basement of a large apt building where his laboratory was. He fired it up and tuned it in till he found the natural harmonic of the building. A few minutes later, police had to break down his door to get in. Why? The entire building was shaking itself to pieces. The cops found him down there beating on the resonator with a sledgehammer trying to stop it. The device had molecularly bonded to the beam. This thing was about twice the size of a pack of cigarettes with a long but thin rod going through the center. He used to carry it around with him.
oh... theres no way to multiple voltage from a battery huh.... so explain this?


Theres a story where tesla had his pocket sized resonator attached to a beam in the basement of a large apt building where his laboratory was. He fired it up and tuned it in till he found the natural harmonic of the building. A few minutes later, police had to break down his door to get in. Why? The entire building was shaking itself to pieces. The cops found him down there beating on the resonator with a sledgehammer trying to stop it. The device had molecularly bonded to the beam. This thing was about twice the size of a pack of cigarettes with a long but thin rod going through the center. He used to carry it around with him.
And you believe this to be true?
oh... theres no way to multiple voltage from a battery huh.... so explain this?



Who said you can't get multiple voltages from a battery? Ever hear of a power inverter?

Wow a 120 volt bulb won't light at 12 volts, but will light when the voltage is stepped up. Shocking video!!!
Brazil is 100% energy independent MOSTLY because they are an economically small country that has huge reserves of oil. Even without ethanol they could be 100% energy independent.

The US actually makes a lot more ethanol than Brazil does, just as we have more nuclear power than france and more Wind turbines than germany.

Everyone always uses other countries as an example of "why we should do something" when we already do more than the countries used as the example.

While they do produce a lot of oil, it is not true that without ethanol they would still be energy independent. From 1975–2002 Brazilian oil imports were reduced by a cumulative undiscounted total of US$50 billion largely because of an increase in the production of ethanol fuel which accounts for 30% of the fuel that brazil consumes currently.

The point you make about France and Germany is not really relevant but I will touch upon the point that those are much smaller countries and relative to population and land mass, you should probably look into how they compare to the US instead of just on a total numbers approach. To look at it any other way is somewhat meaningless.

I didn't cite the brazilian example as a reason "why we should do something".. I only brought it up because Brazil has proven that it is plainly possible to accomplish even with a less developed energy infrastructure than the united states and no doubt less investment capital than would be available in the US. They managed to pull off 30%, thats huge. If we could do 15% that would be huge. Lets not forget that none of their ethanol is cellulosic, and that is plainly poised to revolutionize how we produce alcohol.

I agree with you on a lot of things UNGN, but I think that you tend to have a more or less reactionary mindset based upon emotion when it comes to energy choices that challenge the status quo. I urge you to look into it more closely, especially cellulosic ethanol.
oh... theres no way to multiple voltage from a battery huh.... so explain this?



OMG!!! What an incredibly stupid example. Please tell me you're not an electronics technician or engineer to actually have fallen for such BS :eek:
That's the problem with the internet, anyone can make any kind of wild, unsubstantiated claims, and there'll always be someone gullible enough to believe it as gospel.

In case you haven't yet figured out how you've been dupped, read UNGN's post.
While they do produce a lot of oil, it is not true that without ethanol they would still be energy independent. From 1975–2002 Brazilian oil imports were reduced by a cumulative undiscounted total of US$50 billion largely because of an increase in the production of ethanol fuel which accounts for 30% of the fuel that brazil consumes currently.

That is only $2 Billion Dollars a year. The US Spend $2 Billion Dollars A DAY on imported oil.

The point you make about France and Germany is not really relevant but I will touch upon the point that those are much smaller countries and relative to population and land mass, you should probably look into how they compare to the US instead of just on a total numbers approach. To look at it any other way is somewhat meaningless.

If we physically have more production of Ethanol than supposedely the worlds model for Ethanol or have more Nuclear Power Plants than the worlds model for nuclear Power or Have more wind turbines than the worlds model for wind turbine installations, that isn't meaningless.

It's like you have a 10 second Buick and everyone wants to ask the Honda guy how he runs 13's.

I didn't cite the brazilian example as a reason "why we should do something".. I only brought it up because Brazil has proven that it is plainly possible to accomplish even with a less developed energy infrastructure than the united states and no doubt less investment capital than would be available in the US. They managed to pull off 30%, thats huge. If we could do 15% that would be huge. Lets not forget that none of their ethanol is cellulosic, and that is plainly poised to revolutionize how we produce alcohol.

Much of Brazil's Ethanol miracle is pure marketing hype. They even abandoned it many times over the years when oil was cheap. No matter what Wikipedia says, 30% of automobile gasoline is not a big number if most of the cars and trucks in the country run on Diesel, which comes from good old oil. If 70% of the cars in the US were Diesel powered, we could get 30% of our Gasoline from ethanol, too.

I agree with you on a lot of things UNGN, but I think that you tend to have a more or less reactionary mindset based upon emotion when it comes to energy choices that challenge the status quo. I urge you to look into it more closely, especially cellulosic ethanol.

No emotion here. People have to prove something works to me before I believe it. The Cellulosic people need to put up or shut up. The emotional response is all on the PRO ethanol side as far as I am concerned.

Yeah I saw that episode and their execution of the experiment was terrible. Theres no way it could ever work the way they did it. The resonant frequency is not a constant. They were trying to hit the structure with 1 constant frequency and then played around with it, but the experiment was flawed. When you push someone on a swing, it takes alot of energy to get them going, but as they climb higher and higher, it takes less and less force to keep it going and to build up amplitude. Every time you push during the buildup phase, the frequency of "pushes" changes. Its more frequent at the beginning and less frequent as the amplitude builds. Its dynamic. What the mythbusters guys were trying to do with a static frequency would never work. They goof up with alot of experiments but it makes for good television.

Sparling, Earl: N. Y. World-Telegram (July 11, 1935), "Nikola Tesla, at 79, Uses Earth to Transmit Signals; Expects to have $100,000,000 Within Two Years" ~ Here Tesla tells the story of the earthquake generated by the mechanical oscillator in his NYC laboratory in 1898, which brought the police there to stop him. They entered the lab just in time to see Tesla swing a sledge hammer and smash the tiny device, which was mounted on a girder: Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake which drew police and ambulances to the region of his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898, was the result of a little machine he was experimenting with at the time which "you could put in your overcoat pocket."

The bewildered newspapermen pounced upon this as at least one thing they could understand and "the father of modern electricity" told what had happened as follows: "I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound."

"I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the machine a little higher. "Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there was pandemonium. The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We told the police it must have been an earthquake. That's all they ever knew about it."

Some shrewd reporter asked Dr. Tesla at this point what he would need to destroy the Empire State Building and the doctor replied: "Vibration will do anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would come crashing down. That's why soldiers break step crossing a bridge."

He also invented radio control, wireless transmission of power...once JP Morgan, his main financier, realized that giving people this kind of energy couldnt be metered and charged for, Morgan pulled the plug. Look up the wardenclyffe tower. He still holds the record for the longest man made bolt of lightning. ELF waves, which submarines use to communicate, was created by Tesla.

Do some reading on tesla. You can also look him up on the FBI's freedom of information act papers. Theres ALOT of information there.

List of Tesla patents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nikola Tesla: Mechanical Oscillator ~ US Patent # 514,169 & # 517,900 ~ Tele-Geodynamics
Tesla Memorial Society of New York
Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents -- Chapter IV
Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century
I understand resonance. But this guy's claim that he's using resonance to pull this off, is a lie.
Why in this quote do you not beleive resonance can do the work to separate the elements but in the above post its clear you beleive resonant freq can destory a building by a simple tuning fork?? Clearly they both would take a lot more energy than whats being exerted, I don't see how one could beleive one without the other if either were possible.
I'm from Missouri..the "Show Me" State before I beleive anything 100%, not to say anything is possible, but I beleive it when I see it.
Why in this quote do you not beleive resonance can do the work to separate the elements but in the above post its clear you beleive resonant freq can destory a building by a simple tuning fork?? Clearly they both would take a lot more energy than whats being exerted, I don't see how one could beleive one without the other if either were possible.
I'm from Missouri..the "Show Me" State before I beleive anything 100%, not to say anything is possible, but I beleive it when I see it.
I never said you use a tuning fork.
Resonance is a match in frequency between a supplier of power and a user of power. Its the point where maximum efficiency of power transfer is obtained. It does not lower the binding energy between the hydrogen and the oxygen in the water.
Not only that but this guy is claiming to obtain something from nothing. In the world of physics, what he is claiming to do, is not possible in our 3 dimensional universe.
But for a moment lets pretend you can gently pry the atoms apart into another useful molecular structure, using resonance.
Even then, this guy was convicted of FRAUD. Every expert scientific resource available to the court said that what he was claiming to do, was NOT what he was, in fact, doing. He obtained patents under fraudulent claims.
I said that the guy claiming to use resonance to break them molecules apart is a lie. Not because I dont believe its possible, but because it was ruled in court that he was NOT USING RESONANCE TO BREAK THE MOLECULES APART.
The only way for this machine of his to work, is if he could tap into zero point energy. And I dont think he has those powers in his garage.
Yeah I saw that episode and their execution of the experiment was terrible. Theres no way it could ever work the way they did it. The resonant frequency is not a constant. They were trying to hit the structure with 1 constant frequency and then played around with it, but the experiment was flawed. When you push someone on a swing, it takes alot of energy to get them going, but as they climb higher and higher, it takes less and less force to keep it going and to build up amplitude. Every time you push during the buildup phase, the frequency of "pushes" changes. Its more frequent at the beginning and less frequent as the amplitude builds. Its dynamic. What the mythbusters guys were trying to do with a static frequency would never work. They goof up with alot of experiments but it makes for good television.

Sparling, Earl: N. Y. World-Telegram (July 11, 1935), "Nikola Tesla, at 79, Uses Earth to Transmit Signals; Expects to have $100,000,000 Within Two Years" ~ Here Tesla tells the story of the earthquake generated by the mechanical oscillator in his NYC laboratory in 1898, which brought the police there to stop him. They entered the lab just in time to see Tesla swing a sledge hammer and smash the tiny device, which was mounted on a girder: Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake which drew police and ambulances to the region of his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898, was the result of a little machine he was experimenting with at the time which "you could put in your overcoat pocket."

The bewildered newspapermen pounced upon this as at least one thing they could understand and "the father of modern electricity" told what had happened as follows: "I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound."

"I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the machine a little higher. "Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there was pandemonium. The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We told the police it must have been an earthquake. That's all they ever knew about it."

Some shrewd reporter asked Dr. Tesla at this point what he would need to destroy the Empire State Building and the doctor replied: "Vibration will do anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would come crashing down. That's why soldiers break step crossing a bridge."

He also invented radio control, wireless transmission of power...once JP Morgan, his main financier, realized that giving people this kind of energy couldnt be metered and charged for, Morgan pulled the plug. Look up the wardenclyffe tower. He still holds the record for the longest man made bolt of lightning. ELF waves, which submarines use to communicate, was created by Tesla.

Do some reading on tesla. You can also look him up on the FBI's freedom of information act papers. Theres ALOT of information there.

List of Tesla patents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nikola Tesla: Mechanical Oscillator ~ US Patent # 514,169 & # 517,900 ~ Tele-Geodynamics
Tesla Memorial Society of New York
Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents -- Chapter IV
Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century

Newspapers in the 30's were notorious for stories of the impossible. It was the great depression and that did what they could to sell papers (eat).

Funniers still that it is a newspaper from the 30's relating a story of the impossible from 37 years earlier.

Don't you think ONE PERSON would have recreated Telsa's earthquake machine by now?

7 Billion people since Tesla died and NO ONE ever recreated it?
Tell me one thing??

Has anybody on this board bought the manuals for Water4Gas? I really am wondering if this could be true?
Time to jump in

If you research "Billings Engery" you will find he did most of the background on Hyd. I helped him build his engines, due to the low power of Hyd we had to go with a 17 to 1 compression. His system used a powdered metal tank that released hyd when exposed to heat. the pressue control rerouted exhaust gases to heat the tank until the pressure was reached and then removed the heat until needed again. The tanks could go several thousand miles before needing to be replaced. He was given grants by the Dept of Engery and had $$$ help from GM. Who ever can make this work (Companies like GM, Ford, Toyota, Honda, ect.) will gain riches untold. Current day, see Honda's test systems; one converts water into hyd, and the other converts the gases into water and uses a fuel cell to convert to elect. The last unit comes (in planning) with a home unit that not only powers your vehicle but also your home. (elec only of course)
A Norwegian company is almost ready to roll out their hyd system. Not only vehicles but the stations to produce the hyd. They use about a 1000 sq. ft system behind the station to produce the hyd. It only requires a water source and a super filtering system (the water must be very clean) and a solar power source. Vehicles are still limited to about 150 miles per fill but the station are set up to cover the main roads (not that they have many).
Sounds interesting but we will have to see how it works.
The Auto compaines and the Oil companies would kill to have a workable system. Capitalism works because when someone can get filty rich they will create the product that is needed. (Yes I am biased, I grew up in the oil field and have spent over 35 years with Auto companies, but I also know they will do anything to make a buck!) :D
Has anybody on this board bought the manuals for Water4Gas? I really am wondering if this could be true?

Of course it isn't true.

Any website that has 4 java pop-ups begging you not to leave it is pure snake oil.