Gambardellas/ Dynoday 2


New Member
Jul 21, 2003
It's that time again... Time to stop bragging about what you think you have and time to find out what you actually have !! On Saturday October 25th (raindate Nov 1st) we will have a full chassis dyno (support up to 950 rear wheel horsepower) so that we can find out who on the board has the most HP and Torque..

The person with the most H.P. and Torque will receive a $25 gift certificate but as an added bonus the winner will also recieve 5 free gallons of Torco or VP Race Fuel from Gambardellas + if there wasn't enough insentive already .. will being awarding the Top 3 Participants of Dyno Day with cash awards !!!

1st Place $25.00

2nd Place $15.00

3rd Place $10.00

. We will have free food and beverages photographers and video for everyone so come out and see who has the baddest car on the boards !!
It's the same price as last time, which is only $45, usually it's about $65 to 70 . And for that you get a guaranteed 3 pulls and as last time depending on car count you can usually get back up on the dyno and give it another pull.

ALL makes /models/years welcome

Last Days winner : BADOLDS
just waiting for MAF meter to get back and she'll be moving again lol >>> Ill find out the time it starts but last time it was around 9-10am
Sounds cool, But where are you guys located? Hopefully I'll have my new comp 212 roller in my then. My GN ate her 206.
I'm workin on it. It's gotta get here first. :D Then I gotta get motivated to get my butt outside and do it after I get home from work. I'm halfway there, the old one is out already.