Fuel Economy for your Turbo Regal, getting 17.6 MPG here...

Update, I have 333 miles on this tank with a little more to go.
I am not going to push it though. As of now 20.81MPG
The second owner of my GN kept really good records. When he had this car it was completely stock except for a hypertech chip.

From 1991 to 2003 he drove 28,394 miles and averaged 17.2 MPG over 12 years. Not sure what his driving habits were but over 28,000+ miles gives enough data points to feel pretty confident about his MPG. (and yes I plugged all his hand written records into a spreadsheet lol)
As a fellow local club member told me, After years of testing I can confirm it burns every drop of gas I put into it.
City driving while alky pump getting rebuilt; >18mpg
City driving with fresh rebuilt alky pump; <11mpg:D

Been a while since I did any long trips, but I seem to remember around 24mpg TC locked, MSD 50#'s, and a lean cruise in the chip
My 87 TR was getting terrible mileage on the hwy, like 10 mpg. Replaced the fuel filter and mileage went back up. I just got 21 mpg on city/hwy combo (90 miles city and 90 miles hwy). I usually get 15 mpg city, so maybe city has increased a little. Car only has K&N and stretched intercooler. Stock cam, injectors, turbo, transmission, Full Throttle chip.