DVD burning


Mar 8, 2002
I have a bunch of downloaded movies that I'd like to burn to DVDs. They are in MPEG layer-3 format right now. Are there any good free programs that would let me do this? Any suggestions?

Don't feel like downloading and testing every program that google finds in order to form my own oppinions of each. I was just asking if anyone has any experience using a DVD burning program and could offer some advice.
Walker231T said:

in order to use dvd shrink you have to have a copy of nero installed on your machine. without this it cannot burn the dvd cause it uses the nero engine to burn.

another good one to "backup" home movies is dvd decrypter. all this does is take a "copyrighted" dvd and allows you to copy the whole dvd to your computer.

Now if all you want to do is burn a video that you have on your hard drive, then i would use a program called dvd compose, it is a very good program and you can even make your own menus and such. Don't know if this one is free or not.
DVDShrink is by far one of the best, even if you do need the Nero ROM installed (no problem and it's free).
GN owner said:
Go to http://www.videohelp.com/
There is a wealth of information on audio and video stuff on what you are looking for. Also there are links to other websites that will be helpful to you. Hope that helps! :)

I use I COPY DVD's2...about 60 bucks at best buy..works easy..have copied over 100 DVD's
I don't believe shrink or decrypter will work with mpegs. You would have to find a program that will burn mpeg to dvd, some freebies out there Im sure. Either google em or cnet as I suggested.