Direct scan/Windows98 issues


Active Member
May 25, 2001
My windows98 laptop displays faulty Directscan data, such as phantom trouble codes and increasing MPH while in park.

Is there a procedure to run in the laptop in DOS mode or boot the machine in DOS? my knowledge of those commands is very limited. Any other ideas to make Direct scan run prpoerly like it did with my Windows 3.1 laptops?
What folder is the direct scan installed in now?
DS should have NO problems with Win 98. I would suggest checking the connection to the ECM. Could need cleaning, and the connector could be pushed on too far(a very common failure mode).
Create a new folder called DS in your C: drive then

Go to start, then run, type in sysedit. In the autoexec window add the following lines.


then close the window and yes to save changes. Reboot the computer it will boot into direct scan and when you quit direct scan boot back into windows.
Cleaned connections- no difference

Boot in to DS at start up of PC- no difference

Any other ideas or,

Does this mean I need a power logger? I always liked the DS before I got this newer laptop. I guess I would be really ticked off if the powerlogger didnt work with it either
Try another ecm see if it does the same. The power logger is much better since you can use a wide band o2 and use a wideband chip from TT through the power loggger. Direct scan was good in its time but times are changing.
When I purchased mine new, they had to make a boot disk for the windows program, otherwise I would always have false data, they do have some problems with windows. I have to boot the laptop off of a floppy disk and have had no more problems. If I can find everything that tells how to do this I will get back to you, or maybe try to contact the manufacture, I know he still helps with support.

If the laptop boots to DOS first as I told him to set it up it should work fine as windows does not get loaded 1st. I would try it on another car or replace the ribbon cable or wrap in in foil.
Booting laptop as you said did not help. Also tried another ECM with the same results.

I will see if Chu Engineering is still around

DirectScan issues

Russ, I just replied to Tim Barnum's post about the DirectScan. Had the same problem as him and you. Finally bought an old laptop just running DOS and only use it to run DirectScan. Works really well. Don't know anything about all of these conflicts with Windows, but was warned about it. So the problems exist, just don't know what the answer is to run it on newer computers and Windows from '98 and up. Drew
My DS box was serial #0089. It needed to be updated to run with the Win 98 machine. Now I wish I could read the screen in the bright sun;)