Best wax?

After years of waxing all sorts of cars and colors with most every type of wax/polish made I now use Formula 113. It sounds like some kind of gimic wax but it is the stuff. Nothing makes my GN look more like wet black paint.
I just got some BLACKFIRE polish and paint protectant from Proper Auto care. When I use it I will let you guys know how it turns out. Check out the black escalade on their site.
Tarey D.
Originally posted by Paul Clark
Still no opinions on Liquid Glass?

I'm a huge Zaino fan, but had previously been using Liquid Glass on all my cars for years. I was concerned about using Liquid Glass on a black car because Liquid Glass actually does contain a very tiny tiny amount of abrasive in the formula (helps to remove oxidized paint). It works great on silver or gray cars, but I would hesitate t use it on a black car.

I followed the Zaino applications instructions it was a noticeable difference. I have 6 coats and counting and, at least as far as I am concerned, it is hands-down the best wax/polish I've used on any of my cars. Contains no abrasive and, even though it does contain petroleum distillates like Liquid Glass I think it's more friendly to the car's paint overall. Also, I'm not so sure Liquid Glass would be the best option for a single-stage lacquer paint job tht came on the black turbos....Just a thought.

However, Zaino needs to step into the year 2003 with their ordering procedures. Onerous.

If I switch to something else after using Liquid Glass, do I have to remove it with something first, or can I just apply the new stuff over the old ...Glass?
Zaino recommends you clay bar the car before using their product. Of course they need to sell their clay bars, so take that for what it is worth..
Mine was clay bar'd, then the Zaino and it is awsome. If you go with Zaino, also get their 'touch up' spray. Awesome results, just after you wash the car - when you do not intend to wax. Also good to apply after you apply their wax product.

A reputable distributor of Zaino with a lot of detailed knowledge on all their products is Bill Garner. He has a web site
called checkered flag, or something like that. He is here in Pennsylvania. This guy can make your car look like it just got a new paint job..
Originally posted by Paul Clark
If I switch to something else after using Liquid Glass, do I have to remove it with something first, or can I just apply the new stuff over the old ...Glass?


Let me first say that, for a daily driven car (and I don't know if your car is or isn't), I'm not sure that Zaino is practical because I don't feel it would hold up to weather, frequent washings, etc. Something like a Meguiar's Gold Class would be better - at least that's what I would do on a daily driver.

Anyway, here's what I would do to remove the Liquid Glass - simply wash the car with soap. Use either the No. 7 Powder Soap sold in the canister, or use some dishwashing detergent. The detergent will remove the wax. I would not bother with applying a "cleaner" first, as the soap will remove most of th liquid glass (Liquid Glass doesn't really last well in between washings if you use soap anyway). I used it for many years and to preserve it, I would rarely wash my car with soap and water. I would simply take the nozzle off the hose, and with a constant stream of water running on the car, lightly go over it with a nice wash mit (water helps remove grit that would cause scratches). That way, any wax will last a lot longer in between washings.

Next, follow the Zaino method on their website. Back when I did it, I applied a coat of the Z1 and, without removing the Z1, applied a coat of Z3 right over the top as per the website. I removed it, and then applied multiple coats of Z3, removing each coat in between like a normal polish.

Now, if you have swirls, do Z5 first, remove it, then start with the process I described above. The Z5 is a swirl remover, so don't use it last in the process. I had swirls on my hood, and the Z5 removed them quit nicely.

Now, if I feel the car needs it, I simply do a coat of Z3 since my car never sees rain. In fact, I haven't washed it in two years, and I have 6 coats of Z3 on the car. Finish gets better with each waxing.

For maintenence, use their spray detailer to remove dust, fingerprints. Use a microfiber cloth or a soft cotton cloth to apply the spray detailer.

I just realized that I sound like an idiot "Z1 this, Z3 that ":D , but if you follow the application method, it really does work.

Zaino has an accelerator out now that helps speed up the drying process, but I've never used it

You can check out a pic of my finish - weblink in my sig :)

PS. I would still use the Liquid Glass on the bumpers as I feel it works better on that surface for some reason.

"I just realized that I sound like an idiot"
I don't think so, Tim. :) You sound very smart, and have a car that absolutley glows in the dark to back you up! Many thanks for the info.
To be honest, my questions have a multiple purpose. Last summer I painted my dads 72 pickup with 98 Dodge Intense Blue Pearl. It just won 1st place at a local car show. The only thing I have ever used on it is Liquid Glass.
This summer's project is the 87 GN. When I'm ready to coat it with something, it will be on virgin paint. Just want to get my ducks in a row for when it's ready.
If there's something better than what I've been using, I want to know about it.
Thanks to all for your input.
Thanks Paul!

Yeah, there are several collector cars between me and my father (he's a big block Chevy guy and refers to my car as "the hair dryer" - a real comedian:rolleyes: ), and I've always used Liquid Glass on them, but I can almost guarantee that if you use it on a black car, you'll notice some vertical, incredibly-fine scratches after repeated use due to the fine abrasive. On any other color, I love it (again, especially silver or gray).

And I definitely wouldn't use it on virgin paint - no way. Zaino would be perfect for that as it reallyworks best on a near flawless finish.

Post some pics when it's all buffed out !


Hey guys and gals :biggrin:
Anything new out or ...... are you sticking to your guns?
I've used alot of stuff but i like the new megiures NXT or whatever it is called... heres my proof...


I'm going to have to give Zaino a try. I currently use Zymol, looks good just after application but doesn't last very long. I have also tried Auto Glym products and wasn't impressed.
Paul Clark said:
Still no opinions on Liquid Glass?
This isn't a wax. It's a polish. You want to use a wax that has carnuba. There's nothing better. There are,however,many things newer. Newer doesn't make it better. Again,nothing is better than carnuba. The least expensive one is Kit. If you spend any more money,you are wasting it. The relatively new thing in auto detailing is Detailing spray. Meguires and Eagle One Wet Wipe-N-Shine are the ones I use. These product are great for in between waxes. They are easy to use and keep you from having to wax so often. They also produce less static electricity,so you car doesn't attract so much dust.
I always hear that Zaino is the best out there. But, with all of the steps/products required, its expensive and confusing! I bought a bottle of Eagle 1 nanowax last year and really liked it. Its a one step liquid that applies easy and comes off easy. It has super fine carnauba wax in it. I used Zymol once before....and GAVE it to a friend. It didn't apply all that smooth and was a bitch to remove. And after all that work, the shine wasn't that great. I don't know how it gets the #1 consumer reports rating?????? Give that Nanowax a try. Its only $10 a bottle at Pepboys.