Attn: Craig Smith


May 25, 2001
I've got a friend with an older ECU, about 3 years I think, but we've run into something I was hoping you'd be able to help with. If we run the C-Com for DOS we can record data on a pass just fine, but when we switch to the Windows version of C-Com we can't record a run. We can bring up the dash board and watch all of the data change while the car is running, but when we arm the trigger and then set it off with the TPS it brings up the record screen, but it's blank. Nothing runs across the record screen for the duration of the run. I'm thinking that since his ECU is older it might need to be updated to work with the newer version of C-Com, but I couldn't get the serial number due to the way the ECU is mounted. If you think that's what it is, I'll get the serial and post it to find out for sure. Thanks in advanced for your help.
The problem isn't with the ECU, I would say it more to do with the installation of C-Com WP on the laptop. First thing I would try is to reinstall the program and see if it has any effect. Second thing to do would be to check the version of C-Com WP you are currently running and make sure it is current. There were some minor bugs in the earlier versions. Go to the Help/About... screen and check the version number there. Current version is 1.005.
Originally posted by Craig Smith
The problem isn't with the ECU, I would say it more to do with the installation of C-Com WP on the laptop. First thing I would try is to reinstall the program and see if it has any effect. Second thing to do would be to check the version of C-Com WP you are currently running and make sure it is current. There were some minor bugs in the earlier versions. Go to the Help/About... screen and check the version number there. Current version is 1.005.

We reinstalled the software on Sunday before he started to race, and that didn't seem to make a difference. I can't remember the version number off the top of my head. If he's not running the newest version, is there a way to get it updated like a download someplace? Thanks again for your help.
Software version

Checked the software and it is v1.005. Do you think we need to reinstall it? If we go through the uninstall process, does the uninstaller get rid of all of the files associated with C-ComWP? If not, I can go through manually and get rid of all of the files and registry entries associated with the program.

Any other ideas you can think of that would cause the software to read the ECU, but not actually log anything? Thanks.
Doesn't make any sense to me. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Are you sure there are sensors in the dashboard you have selected for logging?
We selected the 14 sensor dash as the one we wanted to record just to see if we could get it to go anywhere, but we didn't have much luck. Now bear in mind that I didn't have a lot of time to mess with the computer before he had to go run. There could have been something that I overlooked. I'll do the uninstall/reinstall shuffle and see if that makes a difference. If not, I'll poke around and make sure that we did have the correct settings doing in order to record correctly. Thanks for you help.