Any possible way for the Powerlogger to go wireless?


No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
Dec 9, 2002
Just wondering if there is any way to go wireless with the Powerlogger? Getting tired of the wire on the floor all the time. Would be cool to just open the laptop and not deal with a wire.
Not without a hardware re-design. How many folks do you think would be willing to buy yet another powerlogger in addition to what they already have? Personally, the cable doesn't bother me at all. I run mine stealthy, under the ecm and kick plate.

Sent from my QMV7A tablet via Tapatalk.
Would be slick, may take care of some of the ground issues that have popped up with the power logger.
Would also be interested in going wireless. Please post if anybody tries it.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
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none of that will work.

USB (the regular kind, that the PL uses) is a master-slave type deal. the PC is the host, the PL is the slave. That bluetooth adapter is designed to plug into a host. Plugging it into the PL will do nothing....

Getting the PL to communicate over bluetooth is possible but would take a bit of work. Its on my list of long term projects, but there are lots of things in front of it.

So, the best I can offer at this point is "someday"

Here's how I solved the cable issue.


It's called a right angle B, and ordered it from here:
I had the same issue as well as hitting the connector and causing the PL board to have a bad connection. I relocated the ECM to the glove box area. Actually removed the box the make room.