1 Winter drive, should I sand and prime?


Dec 6, 2001
Hey guys,
Well my car could use a repainting pretty good but I know it won't be a couple years till I get the money to do it. Right now the drivetrain is my priority to keep in shape. Well I got this car last february and am forced to drive it just this one winter while here in the chicago suburbs.
The only rust spots are very small spots starting on the bottom of the bottom corners of both doors, and a small spot of rust starting around one of the hood emblems. The paint is pretty beat up looking, quite a few spots where the clearcoat is peeling, a big spot on the drivers side rear quarter where the paint is chipped really bad, and multiple scratches. So, I was thinking to just sand the whole car down and prime it to prevent anymore rust. But I don't know about driving around in primer for the next year or two. What do you guys think? I would really like to prevent rust as much as possible, especially since there's a lot of road salt up here. Let me know


Hey Dan, I bought my we4 from someone in ottawa and brought it down here to Fl. It had lots of rust on the doors and the paint is shot. What I did is replaced the doors and used por 15 on the underneath where a lot of surface rust was. It does not look pretty but at least I know I am safe from rust until I get it painted. Just use the black primer for now so it does not stand out as bad. Good luck
I woulden't count on primer to prevent more rust, especially with all the salt and other ice melter on the roads. I believe primer is slightly porus allowing all that nasty stuff to work it's way down to the sheet metal. I will agree with Fstrthnu on the POR-15. Just put some on the rust spots to prevent it from getting worse.
primer wont do a thing its very porous and has no UV protection at all so it will get very chalky when in the sun even in the winter time. If you have to grind the bottoms of the doors so they are straight and use fiberglass body filler not bondo or use some sort of seam sealer and rub it on with a brush it wont look pretty but it will keep your doors from rotting. If you want to use primer get clear coat in a can and clear over it to seal it so it isnt porous or use sealer that works also most sealers are grey so they wont look great either. Any questions just pm me if you want I have been doing bodywork for years and ive seen it all.