Tire installer DESTROYED my wheels

Like I said I've been in retail management for years. Pep Boys being one of the stores I worked for. BJ's hires they same $5 dollar an hour kids as Pep Boys. This issue cuts into the store and the managers bonus money. They are going to fight you over this all the way and everyone is going to point the finger around. I would think by the time your done (if this was 4 rims and tires destroyed) I would think the damage is somewhere in the 1400 range at least.

The killer is going to be somewhere in that service area there is a sign with tiny print that says they are not liable for custom rims. Even tho we all know they are stock rims they are going to pull that card out I'm sure somewhere along the line. Big business is never in their right mind because they don't care. They will just sit around and let you hound them till they know you will go away. And in time like everyone else you most likely will give up or need to spend so much money on lawyers it won't be worth the fight. They will burn you in the end and you will flame the place up locally and on line and you'll get the same response as guys posted here.... "you shouldn't have went there in the first place" Yea it sucks but it's the sad truth and the way they run things in the big business world.

One thing you can do to feel them out. Find out that managers schedule. And show up. Be there and talk to them about the issue. Bring your pictures along with all paper work. Don't be a dick at first and see if they will even attempt to help you out with this. When I was the store manager at Pep Boys as long as the people were nice to me and didn't get all up in my face yelling and screaming no matter what the issue I would most times lean toward them and give them a refund or pay for the damage done. If you get aggressive to fast they are going to push you away. If you get pushed away you'll be in corporate red tape forever. Try to win the manager over and at least you'll get a feel.

I still think they are going to pull the "sorry those are custom or special rims can't help you go read our tiny print sign over there" card but I hope it works out for you in the end. Pep Boys had a HUGE sign when you walked in the service trying to protect them from incidents just like this! And it worked many times for them.

My deal as a manager there was if you were calm with me and had all your paper work in order and I knew the tech who did your install was an idiot I would refund and make the customer happy not worrying about my bonus. Then I would use the incident to fire the dolt anyway. Good luck hope it works out!
Get a lawyer asap... sorry bout the hassle, but you need a lawyer my friend.

The fact they let you leave with a life threatening tire install like that is grounds for a major suit...
My origional gn..same problem

I guy i worked with scratched the crap out of my wheels(1988)... I was upset,just wanted to choke the dude... If i was in your shoes, i would call my ins company,explain what happened,you will get results faster....
Omg Those wheels look pretty bad, instead of calling the store and on the phone for 30 minutes, show up on the doorstep with fox4 news and the monkey who screwed your wheels up with a leash on his neck!

Ok, wheels are fubar, nobody would REMOUNT tires on your wheels if they looked like that when you stopped by for the cheapest tires known to man.

Any store manager would have a grease monkey who might know what a bent wheel is, and it wont balance. I would have had a rental car sent immediately to the shop and a new set of gn wheels airlifted and dropped at the door the next day.

If you get flack from this shop as you already have, stop the guy from, oh wait the damage is done to all your wheels, say something, oh wait you didnt, refuse to get the monkey, thats right, you watched it, and saw him do this to all the wheels.

What else do you want, watch a guy break into the car and steal it:eek::biggrin: and them complain its gone?

You should have taken it to a non retarded place, then if they did have a issue, explain.... wait, you drove the GN cause the toyota had a sticky gas pedal right?

but you are correct. TA's have soft sidewalls in comparison to stock GTs.

Yes, and I specified on a steel Buick wheel, which has a pretty deep drop. Don't worry, I did my share of difficult ones too. Put a set of pressure monitor sensors on a road race Porche wearing BFG R1s that had been fully heat cycled. Heck, I did a 30-ply aircraft tire once. That one sucked.

Get a lawyer asap... sorry bout the hassle, but you need a lawyer my friend.

The fact they let you leave with a life threatening tire install like that is grounds for a major suit...

I agree here.
They have a rim clamp machine and they did that to your wheels. A prybar should have never touched the wheel let alone bend them like that.The only problem I see is you took the car out of the shop. But then again they did let you leave in an unsafe car. You know they already lost the pics of wheels that they took. Like stated above call your insurance company and explain what happened and see what they say. good luck
holy chit! since ive been on medicine im pretty calm now. but i think there really could have been trouble had it been me. and nothing worse than when they brush you off. get a lawyer, get all you can, and make it worth your time. tell em you havent been able to sleep. cuz i dont think i'd be able to.
If your not getting anywhere with management, call your insurance company. Explain to them what happen.

Thats what you pay them for.

I would ask the manager if the rims were already bent then why did the employee mount tire on them.
Just like SUPERCRACKERBOX, I too worked at a shop for 4 years. The first pic you have is from the guy trying to put your tire back ON with the drop on the bottom. The machine snagged it and ripped it. I'd almost guarantee the bends in your wheel are from him hitting it. The tire machine prybar would not cause a steel rim to bend. The gouge in the wheel is from when he tried to take it off and the wheel slipped off and the upper arm of the machine dug into the wheel.

ANY half-ass experience tire tech would know that there is something not righ tif the tire isn't coming off easily. I have done bobcat tires and never put a scratch on the wheel. If you know how to use the machine and are good at what you do, you can mount ANY wheel and tire on those clamp style machines. I used a prybar whenever I had trouble mounting a tire, never put a scratch on it. I'm picky as hell when it comes to cars and I treated every vehicle like it was my own. I've pumped out a whole set of tires on a 3/4 ton dodge in 20 minutes with a friend once. That time also included walking into the warehouse and jacking the truck up with jacks:biggrin:

BTW, if I would have saw that guy was having ANY trouble I would have walked out into that shop to inspect it. I don't give a fck if I'm supposed to be in there or not. I'll help you out any way I can. I did the bigger wheels and spinners when they first appeared on the scene, dayton knockoffs, ferraris, vipers, muscle, porshe, hummers for the army, vintage 20s cars, split rims (NEVER AGAIN:eek:) Tractor tires. Never did any big rigs though....hmmmm?
Yeah I did watch the guy struggle but I've had dozens and dozens of tires mounted in my lifetime and I NEVER saw wheels come out bent. Especially steel wheels! I didn't think it was possible.

Anyway I heard from BJ's corporate and the guy asked me what happened and I told him the whole story. He's been very nice. He tried to locate a set of wheels but couldn't.

I found that True Design Wheels True Design Wheel; Buick & Oldsmobile Wheels in Denver, CO rebuilds these wheels. They cut out the center, straighten the shells (or use new ones, depending on the damage), rechrome the wheels and powder coat the black centers.

BJ's agreed to pay for this, including shipping and mounting, balancing, etc. They also agreed to refund me for the tires.

Does this sound like a good way to go? I don't know if I have any other options.
And my next question is, when I get these wheels back, where do I go to have them mounted to avoid this happening again??!!
Anyway I heard from BJ's corporate and the guy asked me what happened and I told him the whole story. He's been very nice. He tried to locate a set of wheels but couldn't.

I found that True Design Wheels True Design Wheel; Buick & Oldsmobile Wheels in Denver, CO rebuilds these wheels. They cut out the center, straighten the shells (or use new ones, depending on the damage), rechrome the wheels and powder coat the black centers.

BJ's agreed to pay for this, including shipping and mounting, balancing, etc. They also agreed to refund me for the tires.

Does this sound like a good way to go? I don't know if I have any other options.

GREAT way to go. The chrome and quality of True Design wheel is very good. Jim is a great guy to work with. Pop them off and ship them to him. He did about 20 sets for me and some friends. The chrome he uses is top quality and they will look BETTER then any stock rim you can find even if they are nos. The ring on these rims was $hit chrome and they all look bad in time. True design chrome will look great for a long long time! If they will pay for it all your in great shape. Keep on this and don't slack. Get them off ASAP and get this moving forward while the iron is hot with them. Just tell him nicely you'll take the car somewhere else to have them mounted! :cool:
And my next question is, when I get these wheels back, where do I go to have them mounted to avoid this happening again??!!

Maybe a local tire/rim shop that is trust worthy in your area? Just make sure they are going to mount them the proper way as explained in this thread. You can also have them balance them so all the weights go on the inside of the rims so you don't see them. Just stay away from any "kids" installing tires at any shop.
I found that True Design Wheels True Design Wheel; Buick & Oldsmobile Wheels in Denver, CO rebuilds these wheels. They cut out the center, straighten the shells (or use new ones, depending on the damage), rechrome the wheels and powder coat the black centers.

BJ's agreed to pay for this, including shipping and mounting, balancing, etc. They also agreed to refund me for the tires.

Does this sound like a good way to go? I don't know if I have any other options.

YES !!!

where do I go to have them mounted to avoid this happening again??!!

Of course ya go back there.. NOW they know how to do them !! :eek: NO WAY WOULD I SET FOOT IN THERE AGAIN !!!!