Jack Cotten


New Member
Jan 1, 2006
Just ordered a stock location intercooler from Cotten. Great service via the phone. When I asked if I needed a larger throttlebody with my stock head/intake combo he said no. He could of sold me a $249.00 Throttlebody like some other vendors. Great guy !!!!!
i have heard very good things about jack. i have ordered a few things from there and they have always took care of me.
I am new to the turbo Buick scene but wanted to add my comments as well.
I called and spoke with Jack to order numerous parts(FAST XFI, BB Turbo, Inj,Alky, DP,Wastegate,Boost controller,Powerplate...etc) Jack spent alot of time on the phone with me helping me pick out what was needed and not once did he treat me like I was an idiot or that I was wasting his time. In fact he was the only one that actually talked to me out of three vendors that were contacted via email stating that I was interested in PURCHASING parts.(please dont ask who they were as I am not trying to start any bashing.) ANYONE who is looking for parts should give him a shot.
I purchased ALL of the above listed parts from him. After receiving the DP I was expecting a polished one, called and spoke to Jack again, Jacks reply- " send it back I will refund your money" NO BSing, NO RMA, just taken care of!!
Jack Cotton is a pleasure to do business with and I will be lightening my wallet with him again.
Maybe a bad day!

Was referred to Jack Cotton buy a friend, who said he was a Great Guy. I called and explained my problem and what I was trying to do. He asked me who I purchased my parts from, He told me that he could not help me since I didn't purchase my parts threw him. So if you don't buy from him, he won't help basically. I have talked to many other vendor's who answered question's, and you know what I ended up purchasing from them. I assume we all ask question's before purchasing, or ask questions to problems so we know what we need to do or purchase to fix it. My 2 cents.
Any dealing I've had with Jack have been great! I will be calling him about stepping up to another turbo for my new 109 stroker combo!
Funny , you come in here bashing Jack for not fixing a problem that you had after not purchasing from him, but you do not mention the vendor/vendors that you did purchase from. Is there some reason that the place you purchased through couldnt/wouldnt help?
My .02
Was referred to Jack Cotton buy a friend, who said he was a Great Guy. I called and explained my problem and what I was trying to do. He asked me who I purchased my parts from, He told me that he could not help me since I didn't purchase my parts threw him. So if you don't buy from him, he won't help basically. I have talked to many other vendor's who answered question's, and you know what I ended up purchasing from them. I assume we all ask question's before purchasing, or ask questions to problems so we know what we need to do or purchase to fix it. My 2 cents.

Happy Sunday morning to you too,

I almost don't know where to begin....... but I'll try, just as I did when you called. Unfortunately I wasn't able to fix your problem from 2,000 miles away. I'm sorry I didn't have the answers, that happens sometimes. It appears you are a little sore from our conversation because I mentioned and I do say I mentioned that it is difficult to spend all day on the phone trying to help customers and non customers with problems that their vendor of choice was not even contacted for support. That was all I asked, but then that was after trying to help you. I did attempt to help, explained very nicely that it isn't fair to me, my customers or anyone else for me to have to spend time with you, but I did spend the time and offered what I could, I even told you a few things to check..... Why don't you share the whole conversation with eveyone here... because it would not fit into your attempt to discredit me... thats sad, using the bulletin board to hold me or other vendors hostage just makes no sense and is dead wrong... do you think this will get you help..... maybe, but certainly not from me. I already tried to help and this is what for explaining my position to you. By the way, how do you think I support myself and my company... Do you go into work for free, with no compensation for your time, is that how you support your family? Maybe I should start a help line with a fee for our support, then I could at least pay for the 4 telephone lines I have coming into my shop, the electricity, rent, insurance, etc... Unfortunately, those are the facts of life, which obviously you have no care about others means of support as long as your needs are met. Do you get the drift here.... I'm a little pizzzed here that you come on this board and share a part of a conversation thinking you will somehow hurt my business and my reputation just because you have a problem with your car and I was, or was I unable to help you...... I owe you nothing and yet I attempted to help ..... I'll stop here, although there is much more I'd like to say while I am at it. I am sitting in a hotel in NJ with my fiancee, getting ready to head over to the track to help customers and potential customers tune their cars and guess what, I'm not getting a dime to do it, but in spite of not having my car here, (I was unable to prepare it lasst week with my son, Brian, having to make a trip to the emergency room with a bad absess on his foot, he ended up in a bed for the last 5 days and I was badly shorthanded in the shop, not to mentioned very worried about my sons health) I was able to complete a couple of customer cars and still made time to support many customers on the phone, as well as answer many technical questions....... ok, I'll stop... gotta go. Good luck with you car, I am sure you will get it straightened out...

Thanks for the support guys..... I appreciate it.
Was referred to Jack Cotton buy a friend, who said he was a Great Guy. I called and explained my problem and what I was trying to do. He asked me who I purchased my parts from, He told me that he could not help me since I didn't purchase my parts threw him. So if you don't buy from him, he won't help basically. I have talked to many other vendor's who answered question's, and you know what I ended up purchasing from them. I assume we all ask question's before purchasing, or ask questions to problems so we know what we need to do or purchase to fix it. My 2 cents.

If you want tech support without supporting a vendor use the search function on these message boards. If you want some 1 on 1 tech support from a very knowledgeable vendor throw a little business his way. You probably bought some parts from some place like Summit or Jegs to save a few cents & now it's going to end up costing you a lot more than you would have spent by using a supporting vendor that has knowledge of these cars. It really annoys me when people come on these boards bashing vendors for not taking time away from their paying customers / families to help them with problems they have with issues they have with parts that they didn't even buy from the vendor they are bashing. :rolleyes:

I've never done any business with Jack Cotton, but from the feed back I've read on this board I WILL be one of his customers in the future & his professional reply to your very disrespectful post only helps my decision to be one of his customers. You thought you were going to make him lose some future business, when you may have helped him gain more business.
If you want tech support without supporting a vendor use the search function on these message boards. If you want some 1 on 1 tech support from a very knowledgeable vendor throw a little business his way. You probably bought some parts from some place like Summit or Jegs to save a few cents & now it's going to end up costing you a lot more than you would have spent by using a supporting vendor that has knowledge of these cars. It really annoys me when people come on these boards bashing vendors for not taking time away from their paying customers / families to help them with problems they have with issues they have with parts that they didn't even buy from the vendor they are bashing. :rolleyes:

I've never done any business with Jack Cotton, but from the feed back I've read on this board I WILL be one of his customers in the future & his professional reply to your very disrespectful post only helps my decision to be one of his customers. You thought you were going to make him lose some future business, when you may have helped him gain more business.

Jamnut...Well put.
Jack is a great guy to deal with, you will get excellent results with him. Hell he just called me 5 minutes ago to BS before eating dinner.
Most of us have the great benifit of not having to try what parts work and what doesn't because most if not all of the vendors on this board do it for us. Yet for some reason that I can't understand some of us will call and pick thier brains for what they need and then go some where else to save a buck.

Do these people not understand that while thier are talking to you (and you know your not going to buy from them) is time that they could spend with real paying customers? I'm sure that Jack has better things to do then try to fix somebody elses problem but it sounds like he tried and for that you want to talk bad about him.

Nicely Put, And I never bashed Jack or you may have taken it the wrong way. As the conversation went, it was never about parts or purchasing them. It was about milky oil and overheating, so why would he ask me if I purchased parts threw him, where did that come from. I felt he could have just directed me to take a look at this or that. I called because I was referred by a friend as I explained to him. I help people all the time, as blessings come in other way's. As far as vendor's I have purchased threw, Full Throttle, G-body Parts, RJC. I just explained to them what I was trying to do, and it was a simple this is what you can do or this is what you need. I was not sore at all, I just expressed my experience. I also own my own business, and yes, I help people, expecially if someone referred them to me. So whoever want's to come down on me, Whatever, I stand by what I said, because it's true. I'm a grown Man, and I ain't affraid to express myself, or scared what other might think, Like some.

I respect jack and I have heard nothing but good things about him, and I know he's well respected and been around for a long time. But I could have lied and said yeah I purchased parts threw him, but I came to him as a Man and as honest as I could Possibly be.

wow lot of bashing about jack dude what other guy will stay on the phone with you for 2 hours yeah phone calls come in and he says hey could u hold on for a sec and he say this is cotton im on the phone with a comstumer can i please take ur name and number and i'll call u back and well ive been through alot of vender, southeast, jays gn.etc well they r good but jack takes time into you call and really wants to help you out its hard to find that now adays because he care about his customers well nvm its not worth getting into
Nicely Put, And I never bashed Jack or you may have taken it the wrong way. As the conversation went, it was never about parts or purchasing them. It was about milky oil and overheating, so why would he ask me if I purchased parts threw him, where did that come from. I felt he could have just directed me to take a look at this or that. I called because I was referred by a friend as I explained to him. I help people all the time, as blessings come in other way's. As far as vendor's I have purchased threw, Full Throttle, G-body Parts, RJC. I just explained to them what I was trying to do, and it was a simple this is what you can do or this is what you need. I was not sore at all, I just expressed my experience. I also own my own business, and yes, I help people, expecially if someone referred them to me. So whoever want's to come down on me, Whatever, I stand by what I said, because it's true. I'm a grown Man, and I ain't affraid to express myself, or scared what other might think, Like some.

I respect jack and I have heard nothing but good things about him, and I know he's well respected and been around for a long time. But I could have lied and said yeah I purchased parts threw him, but I came to him as a Man and as honest as I could Possibly be.

Phewww, now that was quite a response........ I'm not going to jab back and forth with you here, as it is obvious you don't get it. After pointing out in my previous post,.... I did try to help and I did give you areas to look at, I did tell you what I would do, I can't imagine anything else I could have done. Yet after pointing that out, you come back with........ "As the conversation went, it was never about parts or purchasing them. It was about milky oil and overheating, so why would he ask me if I purchased parts threw him, where did that come from." .......I have the right to know whether you are a customer of mine or not, you call me for help, I tried to help.... you told me about having a new motor built, how it started great, purred like a kitten, then as it warmed up, it ran rough. Next, you tell me the oil was milky, you called your engine builder, he tells you to run it........ WOW..... I say don't run it, you need to have a real conversation with him. But that was after I asked you who put the motor together, him or you..... you were a little unclear with your answer there.... so I need to know what exactly happened. I asked what you did to it, what heads, cam, gaskets... who did the assembly....You see I'm trying to figure out who screwed up, you or him..... along those lines I ask where did you get your parts, you tell me,...... I respond with my little, "did you call your parts suppliers for tech help, you say no"........ hmmmmmm, why not....... ok, I explain to you about my time being stretched already, and if it was fair to me to spend the time with you...... when there was already not enough time available for my existing customers, you say nothing........ dead silence..... I explain, I'll do what I can, but please consider me in the future.......... what was wrong with that..... I still spent 15-20 minutes trying to give you sound advice for your problem...... and 2 minutes explaining my position..... all that at my expense....... hmmm seems fair, and here you are telling us what a grown man you are....not afraid to express yourself...... too bad you chose to express 2 minutes of a 15 minute conversation... but then if the whole conversation was shared..... there would be no need to share the 2 minutes, in a negative way..... The way I see it, I would have been grateful that someone spent a portion of their workday trying their best to help and all I asked in return was to consider my company in the future for something other than free tech support..... remember, I owe you nothing..... but then you owe me nothing..... a little respect for my efforts would have been nice....
Ive had Jack call me outta the blue to try and help me....but the doctor says without the drugs, I cant be helped!!!
Was referred to Jack Cotton buy a friend, who said he was a Great Guy. I called and explained my problem and what I was trying to do. He asked me who I purchased my parts from, He told me that he could not help me since I didn't purchase my parts threw him. So if you don't buy from him, he won't help basically. I have talked to many other vendor's who answered question's, and you know what I ended up purchasing from them. I assume we all ask question's before purchasing, or ask questions to problems so we know what we need to do or purchase to fix it. My 2 cents.

Not that many Good Guys left in the buick world........ But, Cotton is definitely one of them.
Jack's definitely a standup guy. I've been doing business with him for about 8 years and he has always bent over backwards to help most everyone. I've spent many a day in his shop while he spends most of his 10-12 hour day on the folks helping folks and customers out. His prices are more than fair and his willingness to help people is legendary. Heck, he went to Etown this weekend without a car and did nothing but help folks. He's even been known to go out at night and aid stranded Buick owners. I know of a powermaster swap (not mine) he did one night on the Mass Pike. Can't get much more blood out of that Pumpkin, IMHO.
+1 For Jack. He's the man. And dont forget Brain as well!!!! Jack does look out for his turbo buick people wether they are costomers of his or not. What he does try to do is see exactly what you have, who built it, where the parts came from, how the thing runs exc...exc..... .. .... so he on the other end of the phone can tell you exactly what you need to do, stop doing or change. Its easy to build a turbo buick the correct way or the cottons way for that matter. Its aggrivating, time consuming and costly to fix other peoples mistakes so it can be done the correct way. This is where the questioning comes from. Frankley if it was me, if i didnt build it, im not touching it. Not cottons though. Call em crazy call em Big hearted call em the best or all of the above. Hands down, when it comes to turbo buicks, cottons is where its at!!!!
I have done business with Jack for nearly 8 years and we have become friends. After buying parts here and there to perk up the completely stock GN I bought in 1999, I was running 12.7s or so on stock rims and tires. However, it just didn't seem like it was making the power my parts should have provided. I brought the car to Jack and he felt that something was probably wrong with the orange stripe converter I had installed. Long story short, I had him install the converter he wanted and without changing anything else the car went 11.92 on it's first pass at Lebanon Valley. Needless to say I was very happy.
A year or so later I swapped out all my main aftermarket parts and decided to build a combo on the bone stock short block that had true 10 second range potential (mainly, I thought at the time, so that I could run pump gas and be in the 11s). The first time I ran the car on the new combination was at Long Island Dragway along with another customer of Jack's that brought his car for some passes too. Jack drove down from Massachusetts with his truck and an empty enclosed trailer (4-5 hours each way) just so that if either of us had a problem there was a way to handle it. He did all the tuning and work on my car that day free of charge because he stands behind his work and knows that taking care of his customers doesn't end when they leave the building or the parts get sent out. In fact, I offered to pay him something at the end of the day that day, just to atleast help with his fuel costs and he wouldn't take it. He wanted to be sure everything was working right and that I was happy. How many guys in any business go the extra mile for their customers like this? Not many. That combo stayed in the car for over 3.5 years running a best of 10.57@127mph. It never popped a head gasket, never had a major problem to deal with, mainly because he spent so many hours on the phone with me making sure I was tuning the FAST properly (he was almost always available and never charged me or complained about all the time we spent). Needless to say, when I pulled that motor and transmission out of the car 2 years ago (still running perfectly) to put a complete, from the ground up stage 2 combo in, I never thought of doing business with anyone else.
Lastly, I was one of the guys at Englishtown this weekend that Jack drove down to tune for, he was probably wrenching on my car while on the phone trying to help you. It was only the second time I had the new stage 2 set up at the track (it's been in the garage, I have been busy :) ). Even though he built and installed this combo for me nearly 2 years ago, I know I can always count on him to help me with anything I need. Anyone else on this board that has built a 9 second combo from scratch can tell you that it generally doesn't work perfectly without some real tuning and track time. Knowing that Jack is so dedicated to me and his other people is very comforting, considering I couldn't do it alone. Are there other knowledgable, good people to deal with in the Turbo Buick world? Heck yes, we are very lucky. Jack Cotton is one of the top guys on the list.

It really sounds like your perspective on Jack is a little off Twstdv6, I would re-think my position if I were you.
Daaaaam............ Thanks guys I appreciate the support. I'm speechless....