you guy's rock

some normal,, some crazy,,,some just dirrty,,,some nice!!!!!!!!


we are going to put a cruzz together pertty soon here..
some normal,, some crazy,,,some just dirrty,,,some nice!!!!!!!!


we are going to put a cruzz together pertty soon here..

He has gone to the run with us hye was rolling with me and love it and bought my car now he is ready to roll

speak for your self!

"nut jobs"? is that some kinda sex act? :eek:
comming from a guy whose fulla hot air, it figgers! :D

a real buick owner would drive over for our cruises, Tuscon,ha, mere afternoon cruise!:wink:
Thank You, im very happy with my car it one of the coolest rides i've ever owned.but the car it self needs alot of work to fit my standards.could use some expert help to get started.
The only thing that I know about these cars is to buy high, sell low, & make up the difference in volume. J/K,seriously, though, I am sure that there will be plenty of suggestions & offers of help at the next get-together / cruise in. I am sure that Mike will help you when & where he can.