it's really no ones business how much this stuff costs today versus when you bought it. It frankly can be a totally different part today from then. And this us your add, not horn dogs job to "protect" anyone. The only difference there is whether you are a legit seller or not. Frankly, many of the vendors, I absolutely do not like to support, so from those few, I'd like to buy a resold part anyway. Not saying highway stars is one.
I got your pm and am thinking about it.
When I bought this set from Highway Stars they told me it was their last one in the black "Exclusive" and grey pallex. They had it for sale at a discount off the listing price of $591 plus shipping. The one they list on their website now and that you and Mr. FYI refer too is not described as "Exclusive" just "black". I am going to call Highway Stars today and clear this up. I want to sell this new set (never installed) at a reasonable price . If there are exact new sets for sale at a price lower then I will lower my asking price. Not looking to pull the wool over anyone.

So for clarification, your set is the one that Highway Stars is selling as "Exclusive with Pallex"?
This one:

They sell a lot of different combinations which makes it difficult to figure out which ones you have.

I am still interested in it, didn't mean to trash your thread, but to get clarification.
It seems that H/S are the same as being sold by OP and would be cheaper from H/S if you factor in the OP's price plus PP fees.

If the OP would be willing to be more competitive with his price I'm sure it would sell in 5 min. .
just got off the phone with Lesley at Highway Stars. She my set is exactly like a set they have for sale however not the one you so graciously and gallantly tried to compare. Lesley said the correct comparison is there SKU # 604CST6HR. Price is $591 plus shipping. I now of certain lawmakers and enforcers who correctly protect the innocent. You certainly are not .