Would you buy this GN? (newbie to gn world)


New Member
Aug 27, 2003
87 with 86k miles. aftermarket turbo, intercooler, comp stuff ect... body looks awesome, so does the interior. says 400+hp

doesnt have a price, its a a small local dealer. what would you pay for something like this? or would you even bother buying a modded GN?
At a local dealer? Probally $10K+.

How do you know if its a aftermarket turbo and IC, unless the sales guy told you. You got to watch out for those sneaky sales people most of them don't no squat about cars.

I would get the VIN and do a car fax search and make shure its a real GN or info on the cars history.
You got to watch out for those sneaky sales people most of them don't no squat about cars.

Tell the salesman that you want to test drive it. When he gives you the keys, take it to your local track and squeeze out a couple of runs. High to mid 11's.....(Act cool and don't show him your :D ) and tell him you'll think about it.
try and get pictures, and pass them along to us, we will be able to tell by looking at the picture if it is 400+hp capable...

if there was me i would:D

it has a list of all the mods that is about 15 to 20 long or so. alot of comuter stuff ect...

would he let a 18 year old test drive it?
Would he let an 18y/o drive it?
He might let you 'ride' in it!! :D

Yeah I get the feeling that dealers will jack the price way up for a GN. You are probably looking at 10k+.
Thats assuming they even know what they are talking about there. There are a lot of clueless people that think they didnt even come with a turbo or i/c stock, and will try to pass those off as "mods"!

My suggestion, is that if you are going to look for your first GN, get someone who knows the cars to come look at it with you. I am sure there are some good guys here that will help you out. It is really getting easy to clone these cars, and if you arent careful you will end up with a "fake". You might even pop the hood and find a ....gulp...."350"!!!
Go check the car out reel good find out how much they want.
Then do like i did when i got mine the guy told me 12K i made him an offer of 11k he said no then called back two days later and said yes so i went and got 10k in cash went to his house put it on his table he then said no to the 10k i got up walked to the car to leave he come out and said hold on lets talk in the end i got a
87 GN with 31K miles all stock 10k. Went home very excited and would have been happy pay 12K for the car.