Why ACME left ..................................................


( Adult Swim )
May 29, 2001

The reason why I left was because this link was censored :
Inside of the New Z06 engine....(Click on pictures and numbers at top for more of engine..)


Here's the link I posted :


There are no humans on the site :confused:
I was afraid that all my post could be gone if a picture or video wasn't up to par, like a picture of a Ford, Supra, Corvette, Airplanes, Dogs.....etc.

I only posted "Clean" videos and pictures. Since some host links have PG or R rated sites , some nekkid stuff could be on them. I didn't see any on the ones I post last week, but some said there was a " Risque " picture in the corner of the site , (I missed it. sorry).
But why would pictures of a Corvette be edited :eek: Oh well, I tried ...


wow that sucks that the link was censored, i didn't think much of it when i saw it and clicked on it, the car is made by GM ayways who give a Flying Fu**.
Stick around, bud.. Don't let it get to ya. I think we ALL know that you try to put clean stuff up and I for one appreciate it!

ks :cool:

The reason why I left was because this link was censored :
Inside of the New Z06 engine....(Click on pictures and numbers at top for more of engine..)


Here's the link I posted :


There are no humans on the site :confused:

I sent you a PM in regaurds to my editing of your thread letting you know that some of your links had nude pics or links to porn.
Now for the link that you mention above ...yes Iam sorry it was removed by mistake.

I have looked at your friday vids for some time now with pleasure and you have always (to the best of my knowledge) keep your vids on a PG level that TB.com requires...So I dont think you posted nude pics or links to porn on purpose , But if you feel offended by me removing 1 good video out of five bad ones (rule violation vids) you posted Iam sorry you feel that way.
If you choose to go to Turbobuicks to post your friday vids thats fine no hard feelings Mike has a great site over there with rules a little more flexable then here , but please dont make it look like we are trying to control or censor you or anyone else's threads or post , everyone knows TB.com is a PG board thats nothing new and if we see links like the one's you posted we will remove it no matter who or why they are posted.

I wish you well in what ever you decide.
