Who's installed a Powerstroke FMIC?


May 5, 2006
I've got one that needs to have oil cleaned out. I'd like to have it out of the car and flush gasoline through it, but...

It looks like removal of the header panel or the radiator is the only way to get this thing out. Not how I intended to spend Saturday. Am I missing something? If the removal is a huge PITA, I'll go to the soap and water and shop vac treatment.



Are you saying that the intercooler is already in your car and you are wanting to pull it out for some cleaning?

Here is one pic of how its installed, dunno how you can suck water out when the inlet and outlet are 1/2 way up:cool:

Im in overland park

Yes, the IC is in the car and needs cleaning.

I hadn't imagined that the in/out was that far up until I saw the next to last of your pics. Thanks for the visual.

Having said all that, what's the best course of action?

Did you have a turbo explode? How bad is the residue? I have diesel trucks at work with lots of goo inside the intercoolers and,... JUST KIDDING.

Is there alot of oil coming out of the ic? How bad is the residue?

Turbo failed a while ago. It's since been to Craig's spa for turbos. The thing I didn't do at that time was clean up the oil. Figured it would make its way out soon enough.

Monday, I shredded the reducer hose at the throttle body and sprayed oil every-damn-where across the engine bay. Not what you want to find as you leave the Bonner toll booth.....

Had a few cc of oil in the pipe, several more in the hose at the IC outlet, who knows how much in the IC itself.

Long story short, I've had the car two years and don't know the age of the hoses. All four are off and will be replaced. Thought I'd make things all clean and purty while I had it apart.