Who's GN is this?

GN owner

May 25, 2001
Just noticed a GN parked at the 76 station across from Rainbow Drive Inn. Probably a worker who works at the station. Does anyone know who this car belongs to and is he on the board?:cool:
Its the mechanic's friends car. Its been there for awhile, suppose to be just storing it there.
From what the old man said (the owner, I forget the name) it belongs to a customer.
he says "been there long time yah?"
me: "yah!...whats wrong with it?"
him: "dunno?"
me: "tell the owner..nice car"
him: "if he ever shows up"
me: :confused: "ok"
Originally posted by TURBOV6
Its the mechanic's friends car. Its been there for awhile, suppose to be just storing it there.

I wonder if thats the one in storage in the paper...
Originally posted by HI85WH1
I wonder if thats the one in storage in the paper...

Nope its not for sale.....Is there one for $15K? If there is one then its Wes's car and was purchased from Keith (Go for 1)
86 is $13K lo-miles (not keiths) I talked to Keith about the car just before wes put it up for sale...

87 is $19K 15.7K miles