What American Racing Wheels are these?


Sep 5, 2008
Can someone identify and let me know what American Racing wheels these are? I couldnt find them on the site. Would you know how old they are and what they mite cost? THanks!


Ones that should never be seen on ur car. They look like Aero's. I think they run about $160 each if that's what they are.
Sorry, I have no comedy relief...

OK, Maaybe a little,,, Is that a Flaming Vagina as yer new Avatar Brett?? ;)

Those would be the FWD version of the TQ-2 's. Not a fan of em on the Nissan, but they actually look quite good on an early 00's Taurus. Actually, I'm not a fan of em in the RWD style either. Just don't dig the bent spoke, although they make em in sizes to 19" I think. You see the RWD's on alotta musclecars these days.
The straight point spoke TQ-1's are similar, trad, and can be found in a huge variety of depths and offsets at the swap's. Those only came in 14's n 15's tho, unless you go for the REALLY pricey 16's they ran on the backs of some 60's -- early 70's drag cars;) They look good on TR's too!:D And there were a number of diff mfg's. I've got Kelsey's, Monkey Ward's, ET's and Fenton's in the style too.

I've always wondered what the TQ-10's or the ET knock-off's would look like on a TR!:cool: