Wanna lose weight?? Here's a tip....


It's just a V6 Brick.....
Sep 20, 2001
Stop drinking soda and other sugar filled drinks!!! Most probably already know this, but figured I'd throw this out there for other fat people.... Over the last 5-6 months I have really cut down on drinking soda and other sugar filled drinks like ice tea which I use to drink a lot of.... Used to weigh around 295-300lbs (keep in mind I'm 6'4" with a fairly muscular build) and now from just drinking water and cutting down on drinking that stuff I am down to 282lbs.... I have not really changed my diet as far as what I eat (yet), but I'm quite impressed in what a difference it makes in just drinking more water and cutting out the sugar filled drinks! Now if I can just start exercising.... I'm getting motivated especially since I'm gonna be taking my Brick to the track soon and need all the weight reduction I can get :D :cool:
Its the high fructose corn syrup. That stuff is bad for you and your teeth. I always have a mt. dew in my hand, but it is always diet. Glad to hear you're having luck with it steve. Loosing a few pounds gives you motivation to take it a step further. Fast food is another killer. Actually the fries are the worst part. Slowly work your way into a healthier diet and slowly work your way into some exercise and it makes it that much easier to continue. I dropped 30lbs after I turned 30, and I'm not that big of a guy. Most of it was just eating healthier and working out a little.
You just saved yourself a lot of $! If you loose 30 LBS is will be the equivalent of some of the “lighter fiberglass parts”. LOL

I am not really trying to loose weight but merely slowing down the aging process. Got a "Total Gym" a week or 2 back and it is amazing! Lots of quick workout routines and you can tell your metabolism gets up there! You get hungry pretty quick. Balance that with a balanced meal I am bound to look even better! ;) (joke)
Fast food is definitely a killer! For anybody that disagrees go rent that documentary "Super Size Me" :eek: On average I probably eat fast food 2-3 times a month.... Lately I have been on the Subway kick which is much better than Mickey D's.... You're also 100% right in saying that loosing a few pounds gives you motivation to take it a step further! Gonna cut down big time on the candy and try to eat more fruits and green veggies.. Gonna try to at least work out a few times a week as well :)
McDonalds' slogan should be, "Give us a week and we'll double your weight."
Diet soda lol. I have diabetic issues and my blood sugar goes crazy almost more so with diet drinks than regular drinks. I tried those for a few years and almost died. Didnt lose any weight either. Switched from diet to water and dropped 10lbs. Everyones different though.
ive lost 30 lbs in the last 3 months.

running DAILY and cutting back on sodas. its possible. ya just gotta want it bad enough. there are no magic diets, no magic pills, and no amazing secrets.


the first day I ran, i couldnt run 1/4 of a mile without nearly passing out. now im running 2 to 3 miles at least 4 days a week.

in the immortal words of Rob Sneider (waterboy)

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
B6P is right. High Fructose Corn Syrup can add weight.

Do not ingest any sugars(processed or natural) within a hour of eating a meal.

That means skip desert. Eating sugar after protein makes your body produce insulin which tells the body to store fat. Also, Try not to eat within a couple hours of bedtime.

Stay away from 'Fat Free' stuff like salad dressings. If you look at the label they have low fat, but high carbs. They pump it full of sugar for taste. You burn fat all day if you get off your bootie. :biggrin: TTA is right.

Hydrate with water.

While we are on a 'Healthy' subject..stay away from margerine and anything that has Partially Hydrogenated Oils. These oils are used so that bags, packages etc. do not become greasy. It takes 300+ degrees to melt PHOs. We are only 98.6 degrees. Hence clogged arteries.
bottom line "you are what you eat" :eek: I read the product now before I buy something .. It does work . :biggrin:
I decided a while ago to try the whole low carb thing. In the first 3 months, I dropped like 40 lbs. And you're right, it's the little stuff. After I learned to even pay attention to what the hell a carb was, I was looking and seeing massive amounts in dumb little things. I haven't drank a regular soda in moths and I even (this was difficult) taught myself to drink my coffee without cream and sugar. In several months (and a LOT of not sticking to it!) I've gone from 275 lbs to about 215. (I'm about 6'2.5"-ish).
Anytime you ingest carbs you get an insulin spike, not just after protein consumption.

The reason people are getting fatter is because we don't expend calories anymore and artificial ingredients like HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) are almost un-usable by the human body.

Say you eat a natural sugar (from fruit, cane, etc)...your body knows what it is and it is either burned for energy or stored for fuel. But, with HFCS, the body doesn't recognize it and passes it to the liver where, instead of being taken in for energy use, it goes right to fat stores.

Carbs ARE needed by the body but, with most American's sedentary life style, you don't need that much.

What most people REALLY need to look out for is combining fats and carbs in the same meal. To put it plainly: If you're eating a fatty meal and ingest carbs, the insulin spike immediately tells the body to send all fat to fat stores. The body then tries to utilize the carbs first since carbs are preferred by the human body for energy. If you eat a fatty meal without carbs, your body kind of flips a switch and starts utilizing fat for energy, instead of carbs.
good tip

Although I need to loose weight, I tried something with no plan on weight reduction that resulted in just over 25# loss. I just ate only all natural things. It would have to something that can be picked from a plant, walks, fly's, or swims. Well, eggs can't walk yet and I did cheat on some EV olive oil. The olive is cool, but there are no bottles of oil growing on trees.

In just one day my severe acid indigestion stopped totally and in a few weeks my body was feeling better than I can remember for a long time, and in about 8 weeks I had lost over 25 lbs.

I was just thinking about all the crap we put in our bodies and thinking about what we were probably designed to consume and went for it. A few apples and bananas for lunch is healthy and CHEAP.

We are really all about the same. That is why doctors can study from the same book all over the world and hospitals stock the same meds. All weight loss diets will require some form of depravation. What sucks about what I did is that there is nothing really crunchy and chewy in nature; nuts come close, but a fat sandwich loaded with sauces and creamy sides is still a desirable thing :) It is UFB how much stuff has that corn syrup in it.
Oh so true Brick!
You want some more tricks? 6 small meals a day and dont snack at night.

If you drink beer, drink miller lite it only has 96 cals, Heinekin just came out with their light beer, supposed to have only 55 cals.

compare all the calories on all the foods you consume and choose the one with the least amount of fat cals and cals per serving.

Salad dressing for example, i love to drench my salads, i found the zesty italian has 25 cals per serving compared to regular italian above 150-200 cals, i always overdue it on the dressing, what i consume now is 75 calories per salad versus 450-600 !!!!!!!!!!!

Any way, i went from being 231 LBS in march 2004 to 179 today just eating out in moderation, i eat McDonalds about 3-4 times a year.
Dont get me wrong, i still go out to eat, but not to the fast food places, usually somewhere that will serve healthier food.

I eat more now then i used to when i was 231 :biggrin:

I usually eat baked fish for dinner with a salad, or steak,chicken hamburgers, but only 1 serving instead of seconds or thirds.

If you can keep from eating snacks for 1 month, your cured and wont have the cravings for chips and carbs.
8 32 ounces of water per day in the summer, i sweat alot working outside.
Blown&Injected said:
Although I need to loose weight, I tried something with no plan on weight reduction that resulted in just over 25# loss. I just ate only all natural things. It would have to something that can be picked from a plant, walks, fly's, or swims. Well, eggs can't walk yet and I did cheat on some EV olive oil. The olive is cool, but there are no bottles of oil growing on trees.

In just one day my severe acid indigestion stopped totally and in a few weeks my body was feeling better than I can remember for a long time, and in about 8 weeks I had lost over 25 lbs.

I was just thinking about all the crap we put in our bodies and thinking about what we were probably designed to consume and went for it. A few apples and bananas for lunch is healthy and CHEAP.

We are really all about the same. That is why doctors can study from the same book all over the world and hospitals stock the same meds. All weight loss diets will require some form of depravation. What sucks about what I did is that there is nothing really crunchy and chewy in nature; nuts come close, but a fat sandwich loaded with sauces and creamy sides is still a desirable thing :) It is UFB how much stuff has that corn syrup in it.

Don't feel bad about downing EV Olive oil...it's good for you. It still has calories but is one of the best fats out there. It's an Omega fatty acid, so keep it in your diet. Fats from fish and nuts are similar.

Diet drinks with aspartame is not good for you! Instead drink fresh fruit juices and water. Do a search on aspartame and you can see that it is not a healthy product to ingest. :eek: