W (George Bush Movie)

This probably belongs in the political section.
However I wonder how long we will demonize the previous
administration to and ignore the policies and problems
with the existing one?


I didn't think people like you existed in San Francisco Kalifornya... :cool:
Actually the economy was in a bubble waiting to burst like it did for maybe 3-4 years not 6-8. So it's now Obama's fault that we are in a recession now? News flash: He has only been there a few months so common sense would point the finger at the previous president and his policies or lack of them.

And the 600 Billion spent in Iraq when former President Bush was in office played no role in our current financial crises either I suppose...:rolleyes:

Cmon, get back to reality.

The housing market was set to bust, but that is a function of supply and demand - open free market.

The sub prime market is what started the trouble - when people bought homes they could not afford. Then that problem turned the credit default swaps totally sour.

I am not a Republican, but it was the Democrats that pushed the sub prime market and it was President Bush and even McCain (can see it for yourself on Youtube) that made a plea to not let these financial disasters go on LONG before it became a problem.

At least lots of the $ spent on the war was spent on American MFG firms - maybe that is when the "bailout" really started
I see movies like this pointless and hurtful to the U.S. It makes outsiders of the U.S borders hate the U.S. that much more. All that talk about oil etc from Chainney. being in Iraq when the enemy is in Afganistan......... F&*K me. People outside the U.S. don't view this as a Bush action, they view this as a U.S. policy of doing what ever they want when they want to. Life is very precious and this IMO is good and dandy in the U.S. and Canada to see as entertainment, but just makes the rest of the world hate the U.S that much more. Just look at it from the stand point of another country and its enough to make your blood boil. We can all distinguish alot of stuff in here, but other countries look at it with a," I told you so", mentality. I for one am not for movies that can cause ripples in the water on how people view the U.S. and I don't even live there.
I rented the movie, and was sorely disappointed in the fact that President Bush was really as unqualified and inept as I had orginally thought. And to the millions that still support the Bush administration policies, I hope your 401k's are doing better than mine. At this rate we'll never retire. Thank God for term limits!!!!
I see movies like this pointless and hurtful to the U.S. It makes outsiders of the U.S borders hate the U.S. that much more.

Since when do we give a ratz azz about what the world thinks of us?

You'll laugh your arse off during the scene where "W" is on the phone to France's Jacque Chirac. I'll spoil it for you. Here's my CliffNotes version.
"W"= We could use your(France) help in Iraq.
"JC"= No I just can't do it!
"W"= Come on now. We've been there to help you.
"JC"=(hangs up phone)

Now the big question I have to ask you. Does the world really give a chit about us?

superjaay said:
I rented the movie, and was sorely disappointed in the fact that President Bush was really as unqualified and inept as I had orginally thought
Another one who believes Hollywood writes history the way it actually happened. I'm assuming you also believe in UFOs and dress up to attend the StarTrek and StarWars conventions when they are in town?

Come on peeps. This thread is turning into one of those lame ass e-mail threads.:mad:
As I have to explain to my son, IT WAS A MOVIE:eek: Just like E.T. Folks:eek:

Do you really think for one second that any real stuff would ever see the light of day in a movie:rolleyes: