Vacuum Brake Conversion

Alan Faircloth

New Member
May 23, 2002
My 86 T-Type has undergone a Vacuum conversion by the previous owner. The car stops fine, but I've noticed that the pedal pressure is very firm, more like manual brakes than power (But not quite that bad).

Is this normal? Should the pedal be fairly firm? Just wondering if something isn't right or consistent with what someone else is experiencing.


Could be a couple different items. First, put a vacuum gauge on the engine and make sure you are developing enough to operate the booster.

Certainly the booster can also be leaking if there is not enough assist.

Originally posted by Nick Micale
Could be a couple different items. First, put a vacuum gauge on the engine and make sure you are developing enough to operate the booster.

Certainly the booster can also be leaking if there is not enough assist.


Isn't there a way to boost vacuum?

Even with a mild cam and some upgrades, the turbo motor will have sufficient vacuum to supply the brake booster. Most common reason for low vacuum I have found is leaks, usually at various hose connections.

You should have at least 15in. of vacuum and normally a minimum of 17in.