Update on my daughter


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
As some of you know, my daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor on friday before Turbo Thunder weekend. She is now scheduled for surgery on the 11th of August (3 days after her 24th B-day) at Swedish Hospital. Things should go well for her, and they are pretty sure it's NOT malignant. THey still have to do some pretty hardcore cutting, but the Dr. is one of the best in the world. This is the ONLY kind of surgery he performs and has already done over 1500 of them. The tumor is about the size of a golf ball, and needs to be removed as it is starting to cause bruising on the right side of her brain. The goods news is that that side of the brain doesn't do the thinking stuff, and she is doing well.
Life is full of surprises, eh?
You called me the other day and left a message about what happened to Dennis,s car:rolleyes:I could care less about a car and really wanted to know how you and your family are doing? My heart goes out to you Ken and when you told me about this it brought tears to my eyes just like its doing as i write this. I will never understand life and why things like this happen to young people and why the green river killer is in perfect health:mad::mad:
Please tell your wife im thinking about her and i hope this will all work out.
Im going racing this weekend at Bremerton and you and your wife are welcome to show up if your not working.Maybe it might help keep your mind off this..
Thanks Gene,
Our daughter wants to spend her birthday (the 8th, 24 yrs) watching the Blue Angels, which we have been doing for years. She is in good spirits and after meeting with the Doc yesterday, things should go great. He will not shave her head, instead he uses an antibiotic jell to hold her hair down. (This was a HUGE deal for my daughter who works in a Spa:cool:) The Doc runs his operating room like a NASA launch team. NO B.S. allowed in his room, no music to distract the staff even for just one second, NO students or interns allowed, EVER, he uses check lists and is well known world wide as being the best. After meetng him we are very satisfied with him. I even asked him if he was IN FACT board certified to perform this surgery. (after my back surgery being performed by an anethisiologist, and not a board certified surgeon that didn't turn out well, as in NO change in MRI pictures) We asked alot of questions and he responeded matter of fact, and directly to the point. He said that some doc's think he's wierd, he said, NO...Just a perfectionist that won't stand for a mistake. He will only let his assistant put the final staples in, and NOTHING else. He is the last person she will see before going under, and the first person when she wakes up. He never leaves the patient.
My best wishes to you and your family.

She will be in our thoughts this month.

Our thoughts and prayers will go out to your family and your daughter.

sorry to hear this Ken.. Life can really throw ya some curves. Dr's are amazing at the stuff they do.. we will keep her in our thoughts .
wow ken im sorry to hear this.....i hope all goes well with your daughters surgery. no matter what i will offer up a small prayer. enjoy the blue angels they are way cool!
So sorry to hear this news. I will keep you both in my thoughts. Ken, I sent you a PM as well...-Steve
You keep your chin up brother. Your family are in my thoughts and Prayers. We are very fortunate to be living in this day and age the medical tech thats outthere.
Many thanks to all of you. It has been good to see the human aspect of this ordeal. Folks who have never met me, let alone her, are wishing her all the best. Many thanks to all. And Steve, if you can set up that meet and greet, she would be very greatful. Not too often you find a young woman (especially in the Seattle area) that is so PRO-military (and pro Regan) these days. Thanks for even trying, very cool.:)
Thoughts are with you and the family. Sounds like you have the right guy to do the job. I am sure all will turn out fine.
I hate to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I wish you all the best.
Things like this should not be happening to our children, May and I will be
praying that all goes well for your Daugther and your family.

A BIG thanks to Steve (Dynalow00) and his girlfriend for setting up a personal meet and greet session for our daughter with the Blue Angels pilots and staff. She had a great time chatting with them. They are certainly a CLASS ACT group of folks. She even spent some time chatting with thier wives. She says THANKS!!

We then spent Sunday afternoon watching them take off at Boeing Field. If you have never watched them take off before, I HIGHLY recommend doing so. Just drive down to Boeing Field and park along the railroad tracks on the east side of the runway. (Airport road) That puts you about 100ft from them when they light the afterburners (and ruin your hearing if you don't use ear protection:eek:) The C-130 (Fat Albert) crew take of nearly veritcal, too. That big 'ol Hercury Bird is truely amazing to watch climb out. Then the Blue Angels line up and take off, all six at once. The GREAT sound of freedom, there. :cool:
Happy Birthday Kendra! Glad you all had a good time. We went to watch the show Sunday afternoon, but arrived after 'Fat Albert' had finished. Next year I am going to make more of an effort to see them in the air! Be sure to keep us updated on the surgery. She is a strong gal, I'm sure she'll come through smiling. -Steve
A BIG thanks to Steve (Dynalow00) and his girlfriend for setting up a personal meet and greet session for our daughter with the Blue Angels pilots and staff. She had a great time chatting with them. They are certainly a CLASS ACT group of folks. She even spent some time chatting with thier wives. She says THANKS!!

We then spent Sunday afternoon watching them take off at Boeing Field. If you have never watched them take off before, I HIGHLY recommend doing so. Just drive down to Boeing Field and park along the railroad tracks on the east side of the runway. (Airport road) That puts you about 100ft from them when they light the afterburners (and ruin your hearing if you don't use ear protection:eek:) The C-130 (Fat Albert) crew take of nearly veritcal, too. That big 'ol Hercury Bird is truely amazing to watch climb out. Then the Blue Angels line up and take off, all six at once. The GREAT sound of freedom, there. :cool:
Way Cool :cool:
Happy Birthday Kendra! Glad you all had a good time. We went to watch the show Sunday afternoon, but arrived after 'Fat Albert' had finished. Next year I am going to make more of an effort to see them in the air! Be sure to keep us updated on the surgery. She is a strong gal, I'm sure she'll come through smiling. -Steve

Your a good man Steve!

Prayers again--
