Undercoat removal


New Member
May 25, 2001
My car is undercoated. But not with the typical black sprayed on undercoating, but a somewhat yellowish wax like stuff. Over the winter I might try and remove most of it. (Don't like it!) What kind of chemical will eat thru or remove that waxy stuff fairly easy??? I know simple bag and tar remover won't touch it.
I would recommend scrapping off as much as possible first.That way when when you put the chemicals to it you get a lot less mucky stuff to work with.When you put the chemicals to it it melts it down and makes a real mess.So the more you can scrape off the less mess you'll have.They say mineral spirits works good I havent tried it.I used bug+ tar remover on the fire wall and innerfender panels and lots of rubbing and wiping,I didnt scrape those areas cause I didnt want to scratch anything.It was mild enough to not hurt the paint in the engine bay.Gas or laquer thinner work pretty good.If you scrape first hopefully you wont need to use too much chemicals.
Ive heard alot of people use diesel fuel & put in a pump up sprayer & spray on it & let it sit recoating every now & then & let sit a couple of days..then you can use pressure washer & scraper & it is suppose to come off..as for any safe chenical to use..I havent heard of any..hope this helps
My car had that stuff when new. Worst $400 I spent on the car. :eek:

They did a crappy job is the only reason, just did areas I could see not what the paperwork said they were gonna do. :rolleyes:

I'd leave it alone unless you are going to use something else after it's cleaned off?

You may want to try some solvents on a small spot, such as denatured alky., acetone, mineral spirits.
"Wax and grease remover" which body shops use on a car before they paint it works like a charm. Your local autobody supply shop should carry it.
If all else fails, use EZ-Off oven cleaner and a power washer. That stuff is unbelievable! We use it at my shop for undercoat removal on a daily basis.
