Turbo Link Boost Harness


New Member
Jul 7, 2001
Has anyone ever tried to use the TL boost harness in conjuction with DS to record their boost numbers? Just wondering what you would see, if data logged in DS? To be more specific:

1. does this harness invert the signal?
a. so as the boost increases the mat temp does also
2. does it do the above in a liner fashion?

Thanks for any information
Originally posted by CPAKCP
Has anyone ever tried to use the TL boost harness in conjuction with DS to record their boost numbers? Just wondering what you would see, if data logged in DS? To be more specific:
1. does this harness invert the signal?
a. so as the boost increases the mat temp does also
2. does it do the above in a liner fashion?
Thanks for any information

The MAT uses 2 different pull up resistors depending on temp so you have to workout the degree to boost conversion. Since it's not linear.