Turbo Buicks INVADE Cruisin Grand September 17 2010


Jan 6, 2010
We are doing this meet up on nitro night, It will be bad to see a bunch of Turbo-buicks cruising together.


Meet location
: Auto parkway Target parking lot right off the 15 freeway we will meet up next to the carls jr

1280 Auto Park Way, Escondido, CA 92029

Meet Time
: between 4:30 and 4:45 pm

The Plan:we plan to meet up at the meet spot hang out for a bit then everybody head over in a pack, cruise up and down once or twice then all go into the Commerca bank parking lot and park.
I'll try to make it down, that is if you don't mind a Buick powered Pontiac in the mix.:D
5pm im going to try and be there by 5pm we will wait for people to show up until 5:15 5:30

I get off work at 4 then will head home to pick the car up and wait for a freind then will head over
Ugh... My 11 yr old was given tickets to the Brad Paisley concert... I am out, you guys have fun. Matt, take some killer pics like you always do!
Tried talking the wife into taking him but didn't even get it all the way out before she shut that idea down!