thinking about a mild restoration


New Member
May 31, 2001
Instead of selling my 165,000 mile buick. I'm thinking about getting a small loan from the bank to do a mild restoration on the car. Her are some things I'm thinking about doing.

1) rebuilding the motor and work the heads and put something like a TE-44 turbo on and rebuild the trany so it can hold up to added power and alcky injection.
2) replace all the bushings with fresh rubber.
3) some minor interior work.
4) replace the shocks with Bilstiens.
5) get some tires and rims 16x8.
6) maybe do some body work and a paint job.
7) And fix the AC.

Let me know if there is anything else I may need to look into and as always your thoughts are welcomed.
Some other things to think about:

BY #2 "replace bushings", I assume you mean BOTH the body and all suspension bushings??

Front end may be getting "loose" , maybe all ball joints should be checked/replaced along with the front A-arm bushings.

Suspension coil springs may be tired & sagging.
A minor restoration usually turns into 2 things,1)a major restoration or 2)an unfinished project car.

Be prepared for rust even if you think it doesnt have any esp on a t top car.
Yes all bushings all around. I know it has some rust on the bottom doors. I will also be replacing the hole steering setup. Streering box, pump and lines.
Sounds good excepting taking the loan from the bank to do it.

Save the cash up in stages and do it when you are able to physically and financially. :)
I don't like getting money from the bank my self but if by the time I have the money saved up to do one thing the rest of the car will fall apart. And tring to convice my soon to be wife to save money so I can fix my car doesn't work very well. She sees money laying around and she has to spend it. Basicly what I'm tring to do is get the car back to where I love driving it again. As of now it drives my nuts, it ride like crap and streers like crap rolling down the road.
When you are thinking about doing a minor restoration nothing is minor about it at all. And if you intend on borrowing "x" amount of dollars to do it without proper planning then it will likely cost double. A minor restoration can easily set you back over the $10,000.00 dollar range even if you skimp things here and there. Still you will have a 165,000 mile car. It will be hard to get back your investment if you suddenly need to sell the car. My personal opinion, I would look for a cleaner, lower milage car to start with and then work from there. You will have a better investment initially. Do your homework first.
Yup I understand the scenario.

I would just start buying parts when a few hundred appears before the spending machine grabs it. ;)

Once the parts stock builds up do some work.

I just put some parts I had for 2 years on the GN this summer. :D

If you drive the car it will never be mint but it will be much more enjoyable as it's restored and running great.

Parts wear use them up, don't save them for someone else. :cool:

I just put a new ATR crossover pipe on my car and got rid of my leaky Postons one, no more fumes while driving old salvageV6 with the windows open.

Bad news broke a 2 year old/new tranny line re-routing it away from the new pipe, guess it was the screwdriver prybar bending method. :rolleyes:

It's always somethin'......

Thankfully the GN is almost done and ready to drive and race.

Damm headliner and sunshade keep falling in my face however....

Always somethin'......

:) Where do you live in Ohio? I'm in Springfield. I know some who work on the inexpensive side... I'd detail the under hood while the motor is out. :cool:
I'm just a short drive away in Troy. What kind of work does does he do? Body, motor? Let me know I'm going to look more into getting the money in a few weeks.
Second the idea of doing in small chewable doses. I have made the mistake of just tearing everything down, that's when projects go unfinished. If the engine still basically runs fix the suspension and brakes first. Then look into the engine work and maybe some of the body prep while the engine is down. Regalturbo is right on the $$$$, an engine built right will eat 3500-5000 and a good paint job WITHOUT major body repair will run at least that as well. (Especially on a black car)
...or just do like most of us and get the power you want out of it first, then do the body or suspension. I've been slowly building my car up since I got it back in '99. I finally have the engine where I want it to be. I just got me some new tires and wheels. Now it's time either for paint or to restore my suspension. These old springs need replacing and since most of my front end a-arm bushings have disappeared I think they need the most attention. These cars are fun but being as old as they are they are almost in constant need of something.:)