suggestions for painting gas tank


No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
Dec 9, 2002
I want to do alittle detailing on the gas tank. What brand/color would be good to use. It's bare in the middle and the outer edges got overspray from undercoating on them. I just want to freshen it up so when I kick some A they can look at my nice gas tank:)
This may not qualify as a "little" detailing or "freshening", but what I did was:

-- already had an NOS tank
-- washed exterior with scour pad & Simple green. Rinse.
-- etched with POR's "Metal Ready", to phosphate-convert the galvanized steel.
-- rinsed *thoroughly*. Squirted acetone into all exterior seams to displace water & residual etchant. Heat seams with heatgun, displace any remaining water or solvent.
-- 2 coats POR15 as primer (used semi-gloss black)
-- 2 coats POR "chassis black" as topcoat.

Very time consuming, but super-durable. I have had this paint combination on my truck's receiver hitch for over a year now. No fading, 100% perfect adhesion, and I can tap it with a hammer and the POR paint will not even chip!

Some have reported adhesion problems with POR paints, but it is 100% to do with preparation (or I should say, "inadequate" preparation.
Do that! I sanded and painted mine and the paint all chipped off. Stupid me... Wish I would have done it the right way the first time.
Mine was all covered with rustproofing like yours, so I used the rest of the gas in the tank and a scotchbrite pad and scrubbed it off. Washed it off with some lacquer thinner and then painted it with 2 coats of gloss black rustoleum paint and it looks great. Here is a little tip. I cut the rubber insulator strips just a little wider than the gas tank straps and used some all purpose adhesive to glue them to the straps after I painted them ( the straps ). Then the other half of the rubber strips, did I forget to mention I cut them in half also, I glued to the top of the tank so they wouldn't move around while I put the tank back up.
Worked for me.:D
Tarey D.