Stock Turbo Crank, Stock Turbo Rods, Stock balancer and CAT flywheel F/S


Nov 26, 2012
Crank 275$ OBO

Rods 100$ OBO

CAT external balance flywheel used for 100 miles 75$

Stock Balancer 50$

Any questions feel free to message me.
Turbo crank? Any picks and has it been turned? Thanks, Jon

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Jon i can get you some picks thats not a problem just shoot me a PM with your email. It came out of my engine that was a stock rebuild.. no spun bearings. I don't have a good mic to measure it correctly to tell but had it over at the shop today looking it over and its not marked that its been turned as they will usually have... Cant say 100% unless its properly measured.